What's Bars and Melody?

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Leo's POV

I woke up still in Elena's room. She was laying next to me reading a book. "Good morning beautiful." I said rolling over to face her. She smiled and put her book to the side, "Good morning." "You are beautiful." I told her. "No I'm not. I'm in sweat pants, my hair is a mess and I'm not wearing any makeup." She replied. "You don't need to change any of that. I think you are perfect exactly like this." I said, "If anybody tells you any different, I'll kick their ass." She blushed before sitting up.  We heard a quiet giggle outside the door. Elena stood and opened it. "Who's in there." A child's voice cooed. "None of your business." She replied. "If you don't let me in, I'll get mom." The child threatened. Elena moved to the side just enough so the little girl could enter the room then she closed the door. "Leo this is my little sister Brooke. Brooke this is Leo." She introduced us. "Is he your boyfriend?" Brooke asked. "Maybe." Elena responded taking my hand in hers.

After about thirty minutes of Brooke asking us questions, Elena and I stood. "We have to go Brooke. We have a lot to do today." Elena said. "Okay." Brooke said leaving the room. Elena turned to me, "I'm sorry." "Don't be. My sister is a lot like her." I replied.

Elena's POV

The man standing before me was perfect. Every inch of him. His phone buzzed, breaking me from my light daze. He smiled when he looked down at it. "I have someone I'd like you to meet." He said. "Where to?" I asked. "My house." He said.

When we got in his house, everything was quiet. "They will be here very soon." He told me. "Okay." I said. He led me upstairs and into his room.

It was in darker colors of blues and blacks. Posters decorated the walls. Mostly pictures of him and another guy. A shirt was pinned up, 'Bars and Melody'.

"What's 'Bars and Melody'?" I asked. "My band. We're a duo." "You're in a band?" "Yeah." He smiled. He slowly closed the gap between us and pressed his lips to mine.

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