An Introduction 2

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(Charlie's Perspective)

I haven't heard from Leo in hours, in fact I think it's been almost a day. He said he would swing by yesterday to decide on a song to record but he didn't show up. Sadie sits beside me, her head resting on my shoulder. 

"Maybe he's just been busy with his new school. I mean, it must be difficult being the new kid, I would know." She suggests, seeing the worry in my eyes. 

I sigh. "You're probably right. I'll just message him, see if we can come over." 


(Sadie's Perspective)

Quite frankly I've never met anyone like him. Yes, he's not perfect. But who wants perfection? Sometimes I find myself completely losing myself in his eyes. And only when he speaks to me do I fall out of the trance he put me in. Right now, as we wait for a reply from Leo, is one of those times. Charlie seems preoccupied with his worry for Leo, but I know Leo is fine. All I can do is look into his gorgeous blue eyes. 

After a moment of drooling over him like an obsessed schoolgirl with an intense crush, he notices me staring. 

"Enjoying the view?" He smirks, grabbing my hand in his. Just that single touch sends shivers up my spine. 

"It would be better if I could get a closer look." I remark, smiling softly. 

"Oh yeah?" He says, and he leans in towards me. "How's this for close?" 

I can see every inch of his face. Every inch of his gorgeous smooth skin, his eyes, his lips. 

"I was thinking maybe a little bit closer."

Charlie obliges, leaning so close now our faces are touching, his lips brush mine, not a kiss, but so so close. I soon grow impatient and decide I've had enough. I close the space between us, and push my lips onto his.  The kiss is long and sweet, nothing too intense. We aren't biting each other's face off, just savouring each other's taste, savouring the feeling of butterflies that fly up into our stomach's. Or at least mine. I can feel Charlie's smile beneath my lips, he deepens the kiss, leaning in towards me now. I lean back until I am parallel with the couch. And Charlie, parallel with me. 

Who knows how long we could have gone on for?

We are unfortunately interrupted by Charlie's phone buzzing. 

"It's Leo. We can come over to his." Charlie announces. 

I pout. "I was having fun though." 

Charlie smiles. "I know love, but you know we have to go."

"Yeah I know." I sigh. 

Charlie trails his hand up to my face, cupping it, before swiftly leaning in for another kiss. "Let's go then."


(Still Sadie's Perspective)

"Damn Leo." I hear Charlie say. 

He's just slightly ahead of me, having raced up the stairs immediately. 

I race to see what he's talking about, peering from behind Charlie's back. They haven't seen me yet, but I can see them. Leo in his room, a strange girl's arms wrapped around him. His hair is ruffled, clearly, they had been kissing at the least. 

"Who's your girlfriend?" Charlie asks, I can hear the smirk in his voice. Leo and the girl quickly part. 

"Charlie this is Elena.. Elena this is Charlie, the other half of Bars and Melody." Leo introduces them. 

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