Chapter 19

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Tris P.O.V

Today is Will and Christina's wedding. The ceremony and reception are at the same place so we are all getting ready there. I put my dress and all of my other stuff and put it in a bag. Uriah and I have some breakfast quickly before heading to the venue. We get there and get out of the car. We grab our bags and Uriah grabs my hand as we walk in. Once we get inside, he kisses the top of my head.

"Good luck today," I say, smiling up at him.

"You too," he says, leaning down, pressing his lips to mine. He slowly deepens the kiss and I regretfully pull away.

"I'd love to continue this, but Chris needs my help," I say. He smiles and we go our separate ways. I go into Chris's dressing  room where her and the other girls are. Chris wanted to save money so we are all doing each other's hair and makeup. I notice the flower girl sitting off to the side by herself and go over to her.

"Do you want to wear some makeup, sweetie?" I ask her. Her face lights up and she nods very quickly. I hold my hand out to her and she takes it. I lead her over to one of the tables we have set up and she sits down. "So what are we thinking today?" I ask her.

"I want to be pretty, like you," She says. I smile and start pulling out some makeup. I lightly brush her cheeks with some light pink blush. Then a little bit of eyeshadow.

"Do you want some sparkles?" I ask her. She nods excitedly. I giggle at her and put a bit of highlighter on her.

"What do you think?" I ask her as I spin her chair towards the mirror. She gasps and smiles. She stands up and hugs my leg. I laugh at her and hug her back

Once we all have our hair and makeup done, us bridesmaids start putting on our dresses. Once mine is on, the flower girl, Rosie, and I go out of the dressing room to go check on the guys. I carry her on my hip and go knock on the boy's door. Zeke opens the door, looking flustered.

"How's it going in here?" I asked, concerned.

"I'm, it's fine, everything's fine." I shake my head and push past him. In the room all of the boys are in their suits except for Uriah.

"Uriah where's your suit?" I ask him. When he hears my voice he looks up, scared.

"Who's that?" he asks, gesturing to the small child I'm holding.

"Rosie, the flower girl. Where is your suit?"

"I don't know." He says slowly. I am about to ask how he doesn't know where his suit is when he starts to talk, "I had it in the bag on the hanger but then when I got here I just had a hanger." I roll my eyes at him and go over to his bag. I set Rosie down and pick up his bag, looking through it.

"How long have you been looking for it?" I ask as I continue to look through the bag.

"For like, a half hour," Will says "We even have my sister out looking at stores for one that's identical." I put his bag down and walk over to the closet in the room. I open it up and look up, and then down. And there it is on the floor. I reach down and pick it up, showing it to them.

"You obviously weren't looking very hard?" I ask laughing. They all sigh with relief. Zeke starts beating Uri up for forgetting he hung it up. I roll my eyes at them as Rosie and I walk back towards the girl's room.

"Is everything good in there?" Shauna asks as we walk into the room.

"It is now," I say they all raise their eyebrows and I shake my head saying not to ask.


We all start lining up to walk down the aisle. The altar and all the chairs are all set up outside. It's a beautiful day today. Christina is still back in the dressing room with her mom and dad so that Will doesn't see her.

Will and his parents go down first, then Marlene and the grandparents, then Lynn and Four, then Zeke and Shauna, then me and Uri. After that it's Rosie and then Christina and her parents.

While we are waiting to start walking, Uriah and I entertain Rosie. Once the seats are basically all filled, music starts playing and Will starts walking down the aisle. Finally it's time for Uriah and I to walk. We link our elbows together and walk towards the altar.

"You have the ring right?" I whisper to him.

"I thought you had both of them?" He asks. I'm about to stop and panic when he smiles. "Just kidding Trissy poo, you know I got it. I roll my eyes at him and slap his arm before we seperate.

Once we are in our spots Rosie starts walking down the aisle and dropping flower petals. She is going very slowly, making sure she gets petals everywhere. I smile and she waves at me as she gets to the front.

My attention then goes to Chris walking down the aisle. She looks amazing. Her dress is tight at the top then poofs out when it gets past her waist. I see that she has tears forming in her eyes, I then look over at Will and see that he is starting to cry too.

Once Christina gets to the altar she hands me her bouquet and holds hands with Will. The Priest talks for a while before they say their vows to each other. Then I give Chris her ring and Uri Gives Will Chris's. They put them on each other and the Priest announces them husband and wife. We all cheer and clap as they have their first kiss as newly weds.


Later after everyone has had their dinner, a lot of people are on the dance floor. I'm off to the side talking to Christina's mom and grandma. A slow song comes on and Uriah comes and finds me. He takes my hand and starts to pull me. I turn back and say bye to Christina's mom and grandma.

We get onto the dance floor and Uri puts his arms around my waist and I put mine around his neck.

"You know I was actually having an important conversation with them." I say smiling, looking up at Uriah. He rolls his eyes and smiles

"More important than me?" He asks and I laugh at him.

"No I guess not," I reply. I look to my side and see Will and Chris dancing, as close to each other as they can possibly be. After a while of not talking Uriah speaks up.

"I can't wait to see you in a wedding dress," he says smiling down at me. I look back to him.

"Who said we're going to get married?" I joke earning an eye roll from him.

"We're gonna get married and have little babies. And they will get your beautiful looks and my sense of humour." Now it's my turn to roll my eyes. "I loved seeing you with Rosie today," he continues, "You're going to be a great mom." I blush at all of the compliments.

"I can't wait either," I reply, laying my head on his chest.


Once most people were gone, we said our goodbyes and went back to my apartment. On the way back I am still thinking about what Uriah said.

"Uri," I say, he turns to me for a second before turning back to the road. "Do you maybe want to move into my apartment? I mean you basically already do live there, but just to make it official." He reaches over and grabs my hand.

"I would love to."

We get back to the apartment and I start taking bobby pins out of my hair and set them on my dresser. Uri walks up behind me and picks one up.

"These were in your hair?" I laugh at him and put one in his hair, tight. "Ow! how do you wear these?" he asks.

"Beauty is pain, darling" I say with a bad british accent. He laughs at me and goes to change out of his suit.

Once my hair is undone, my face washed, and my dress off, I go lay in bed. I lay my head on Uriah's chest and he wraps an arm around my waist.

"I love you Uriah," I say as I close my eyes.

"I love you too Trissy."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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