Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Once again class........Oh I guess there's the bell, pages 17 through 34 for Thursday!"

"Don't you just love the way Mr. Clark raises his voice at the end of the period and then everyone else seems to just talk over it? I guess that's what happens when you're old, huh?"

"Emma, Mr. Clark isn't old, he's just..... Yeah he's old." Emma and I both laughed.

"Oh, oh! There's Mr. Anderson!" Annabel whispered.

Laura rolled her eyes. "You can't think he's..... He's a teacher!"

"So, like half the world thinks The Dark Star's Logan Sanders is, and I have the same opinion about Mr. Anderson!"

"Well at least half the world has some taste....." Laura mumbled.


"Can you guys cut it out? This happens like every day, I know you don't like her, Laura but come on!"

Laura pulled Sarah aside. "Sarah, Annabel is my cousin! I can't hang out with her every day, she lives with me!"

"You guys are practically sisters! You used to get along so well."

"Yeah that's the problem, Sarah, don't you get it? She has a lot changed since we were seven, and I was never friends with her, you know that! Ever since Katelyn died and her family moved, no one has been the same!"

"Laura, this is not the......"

"You don't know what I'm going through, Sarah. You don't know!" Laura slammed her locker so hard, everyone in the hallway turned and stared at Laura as she marched away.

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