Meet Your Maker

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Shortly after our passion had ended, I passed out. I had wanted to stay up with him all night, but my body was done. The whole last week and the concert had caught up with me and there was no fighting it.

Yoongi held onto Luna all night, he knew what he would have to do the moment the effects of his feather wore off. It was tearing him up. Anger, sadness and misery spun in his mind, but still, he did not regret meeting her. As she lay asleep in his arms, he played with her wispy bangs, planting soft kisses here and there on her temple.

The more he thought about it, the clearer his mind became. With his mind steeled for the coming day, Yoongi let himself get some rest, he knew he would need all the strength he could summon in himself to do what needed to be done.

I woke early that day, my last day. I was still so tired from the previous day, but I wanted to enjoy as much of it as I could. Yoongi was out cold, and I let him sleep. Moving carefully from the bed, I went to the kitchen to make some breakfast.

Fifteen minutes later, Yoongi emerged. "Do I smell bacon??", he said groggily as he meandered into the kitchen.

"Sure do! Want some??"

"You know it!", his arms wrapped around me, pulling me tightly into him.

He was just so cute with his head resting over my shoulder, sniffing at the delicious bacon aroma. I couldn't resist picking up a cooked piece and holding it up for him to snatch from my fingers.

"Mmmm, so gooooood....", he sighed, "But not as good as you..."

I didn't have to see him, I could practically hear the devious grin on his face. A deep blush covered my cheeks and I smiled shyly.

"Yeah, yeah... it's almost ready, go sit down and I'll bring you a plate."

"I'm good right here."

"Go sit down, Yoongi..."

A devious little laugh left his lips and with a kiss, he went to sit down. Bringing two plates of eggs, bacon, homefries and toast, I put one in front of him and sat down.

"Damn, a guy could get used to this kind of treatment..."

"Don't get too used to it." I said with a forced smile as I ate.

"We'll see about that...", Yoongi muttered under his breath, much too soft to hear.


"Breakfast, it's good!", he smiled at me and my heart melted.

After our meal, we went to sit out on the patio. Neither of us really wanted to do anything else with our day other than just be with each other. The sun was hot, but the breeze was cool. We watched the fish in the pond and he tossed small pieces of his leftover toast to them. Doing absolutely nothing never felt so good. We must have stayed like that for hours, just talking, kissing and holding hands.

I coughed and Yoongi looked at me. There was a slight ball feeling in my throat that I couldn't swallow down.

"Are you okay?", his face was concerned.

"Yep! Just a tickle.", I lied to him. I didn't want him to think about such things until it was closer.

He looked at me funny, but he had no choice but to accept my answer. More time passed, and I coughed again. The ball had become a lump and I could feel the pain returning.


"I'm okay. We knew it was coming."

He held me close, probably tighter than he intended. I patted his arm as I cuddled into his chest.

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