In Bloom

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I hadn't seen Yoongi in three days. Everything was set for my first mini live. I would like to call it a concert, but it was more like a small public performance. It was going to be taped and played later on all the major music networks. I don't know why, but for some reason I really wanted Yoongi to be there. It just felt weird after spending so much time with him that he wasn't here to share this with me. After all, he's the reason I was here in the first place.

When the show started, I put on my best face and went out on the small stage. The crowd looked skeptical, but they had hopeful faces. After I sang my set, the modest crowd cheered, more than I thought they would. They even shouted for an encore. One wasn't planned, but my manager gave me a thumbs up and I sang my heart out. This time with much more passion, I was living in the moment. It felt so good and I didn't even care that Yoongi wasn't there.

After waving to the crowd, I bowed and took my leave. The event was over, but I would never forget how it felt. I had officially debuted and now, the world knew of my existence - at least a small part of it. When the camera crews had gone, and the crowd dispersed, I stood on the small outdoor stage and smiled, taking in all I could from that amazing experience. When I turned around, there he was. Standing there, hands in his pockets, shuffling his feet around as he stared down at them, his orange hair half hidden under a black beanie. When he finally looked up at me, I smiled. Turns out I was a liar, I was happy to see him after all. My emotions stirred, and my heart ached, I really had wanted him to be there.

"You uh... you did really well."

"You were watching?" So he HAD been here? My heart thumped.

"I was in the area..." He didn't make eye contact and continued to lightly kick at the ground with his toes.

Smiling again, I went down and hugged him. "Thank you, Yoongi." I was happier than he knew.

For the first time ever, I felt his arms lightly hug me back. It wasn't for very long, but he did it and it made me smile. I felt kind of silly, here I was, hugging the grim reaper himself and happy about it. How crazy I must be to find comfort in the arms of death. I snickered to myself and he looked at me funny. Waving it off, I just smiled and nodded my head down the pathway. Taking my hint, we walked back home together. As we walked his hand accidently brushed mine and I felt my heart flutter. Don't be stupid, I kept telling myself, trying to calm the beating in my chest.


Turns out my little performance did very well on the music TV shows. Soon, I was hearing my song on the radio and the studio was lining me up for more songs. After two months had passed, I had finished recording my first mini album. If I had thought that little outdoor performance was the top of the hill, I was now standing on a mountain. My tall mountain soon looked like a spec as I soared through the sky. My album was selling - very well.

Yoongi was there with me the entire way. Over these last two months, something about him had changed. I wasn't sure why, but I wasn't complaining. He didn't snap at me that much anymore and he accompanied me to all of my events and even spoke to me casually when we were at home. A few times, I even got him to laugh. I never knew what a cute gummy little smile he had.

The only times he got snippy was when I would listen to the BTS album he gave me. I still didn't know why, but for some reason, it seemed to really upset him and it would become an instant fight if I sang any of their songs. Several times I tried to question him about it, but each time he would just take off. Eventually, I just stopped bringing it up and avoided their music whenever he was around. I really don't know why I let him have this effect on me. Why should I care if he likes it or not? It was my favorite song! If I wanted to hear it, I should be allowed to listen to it! It was no use. Every time I felt like telling him that, I would just put the album away.

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