The Past That Haunts

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"We have a problem with your set, Spyce!", one of the staff members yelled, running up to me.

"What? What's the problem??"

"We are one song short! I must have miscalculated the time between songs and costume changes. I'm so sorry! What are we going do!? The concert is in a month and a half! Do you have any other songs written we could use?"

"No, but... maybe I can write one fast... but, no... I have rehearsals and so much prep work, the TV spot, and I'm supposed to attend an award show in a few days to get my face out in the public."

"What are we going to do??", the staff guy looked so scared and he was beating himself up over an honest mistake.

"Calm down, I'll think of something. Give me a few hours okay?"

The frantic staff member nodded and ran off down the hall to continue prepping the equipment. Meanwhile, I headed back to the locker rooms to think in peace. What was I going to do? I couldn't cut the show short and disappoint the fans on my first real performance! They actually bought tickets to see me! With no time to write a new song, I started to panic.

Suddenly, I got an idea. If I can't write a new song, I will sing one that already exists! People love new takes on old songs. I would end my show with a cover, but which song? Something popular? No... it would take too long to get the licensing approval for anything too new. It would have to be an older song. What older songs do I know?? BTS. NO! I shook my head, there is no way I could sing THAT song in public. Not with Yoongi watching me. I don't want the last thing I do be something that makes him angry.

'I need him... I need Yoongi! I have to find him!'

I ran from the locker rooms and searched the studio, nothing. I made it home to look for him there, but he didn't seem to be around. He wasn't even napping on the back patio where I could normally find him. Feeling defeated, I hung my head and walked back inside my bedroom, closing the sliders behind me. A soft rustle caught my attention and I turned my head to the right. A lump. There was a lump in my bed. No, not a lump... it was Yoongi! He was sound asleep in my bed! What the hell!?

Darting over, I shook him. "Yoongi! Yoongi, wake up!"

"Go away!", he snapped.

"Damnit, Yoongi! Get out of my bed and listen to me!"

"Wha- huh? Your bed? Where- oh. It's you.", he said in a groggy state.

"Yes, ME. You know, the one you've been living with for a year. Why are you in my bed? You know what, never mind. Just wake up."

He sat up and pushed the sheets off, turning to sit at the edge of the bed. "Sorry. I was really tired, and it looked so comfy. I slept so good, I forgot where I was."

"I'm glad you slept well, but I have a problem!", my eyes must have shown more panic than I intended, because Yoongi immediately grabbed me and looked concerned.

"What? What's wrong??"

"My concert is so close and I don't have time to write a new song, I'm so busy with too much to do, I thought about doing a cover song, but the only song I really want to do will upset you, but I can't figure out another way to fix this-"

"STOP!", he put his hand over my mouth as I rambled a million miles a second. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm short a song for my set. I don't have time to write a new one, so I thought I'd do a cover. All the newer songs will take too long to get approval for and I should sing something that means something to me. If I feel it, the fans will feel it!"

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