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It's been just over a week since I started my voice and dance Training. Yoongi follows me to every session, but always looks annoyed or bored; that is, until I sing. Not every song catches his interest though. He really only seems to perk up when I do my vocal warmups with the older songs I love from my childhood. I think maybe he doesn't like the songs I write myself. Who cares. Screw him!

After my voice lessons, I decided to keep practicing on my own in the empty small studio in the back hall. I didn't want to bother anyone, and I had no time to lose. If I wanted to debut in under a year, I had to bust my ass!

As I sang my favorite song, the one I auditioned with, I felt a weight push against my back, throwing off my notes. Looking back over my shoulder, I saw Yoongi. This bastard was leaning against me, arms folded, and eyes closed like I was a God damned wall! If he wasn't a God, I'd so pop him in the face!

"Why do you always sing THAT song?", he asked, not even moving or opening his eyes.

"I like it."

"That's it? You like it... Where did you hear it? It's kind of old."

"My mom listened to it when I was young. It was from her favorite group. I think they were called BTS or something like that."

"Something like that...", he repeated in a sarcastic tone.

"Yes, smart guy. I was young, and they were at their height like 20 years ago! I don't remember much about them, other than a few of their songs."

"I see. So, you like it because of your mother?"

"Yes, but I also really liked the music she used to play me. They had a... a FEEL about them. I was hooked on music and singing from the moment I heard them."

Yoongi stood up straight and moved from my back. "A couple of their members went solo after they disbanded. Did you ever listen to them?"

"I didn't know about it. When... when my mom died, I just kind of lost interest in music for a while."

"I'm sorry to hear about that...", his voice became soft and low as he mumbled out the words, trying his best to adjust for the situation.

"It's okay. That was 10 years ago. Accidents happen." I didn't want him to feel awkward, so I played it off. I mean, it still hurt, but it was 10 years ago, so I was mostly okay now anyway.



"When my mom died, did she have a shadow of death following her, too?" My eyes were steady, but my voice wasn't.

"Probably. Most humans do. There are still accidents though... Don't call me a shadow of death! That's hurtful!"

"Well... you ARE shadowing me, and you're going to kill me... But even so, I'm glad my mom wasn't alone on that icy road when she died. Even if she couldn't see her personal messenger."

"I told you before, I'm not going to kill you. I'm just here to make sure destiny plays out the way it's supposed to. I'm here to make sure your soul makes it to the other side. You act like I'm evil! I'm just doing my job." Yoongi became grumpy and his tone shifted to utter disapproval.

"I'm sorry, Yoongi. I didn't think before I spoke. You seem to not like your job."

"I don't dislike it, I hate it!" His fist hit the wall and his eyes blazed as he looked at the floor.

His sudden temper caught me off guard and I jumped, backing away from him. Lifting his head to see the look on my face, his softened, and he gave me an apologetic stare.

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