#2~How you met-Sodapop, Johnny, Two-Bit, Steve

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A/N- y/nn is your nickname
Johnny~ You could hear your parents fighting again from your bedroom. You were hiding under the covers, trying to block out the noise, but you could still hear them screaming. Your parents were always like this: getting into huge fights, but somehow never getting a divorce. You couldn't stand their bickering any longer, so you jumped out the window and ran to the safest place you could think of- the lot. You always went there when you needed time for yourself or just to hang out. It was like your safe haven from all the drama of the real world. You leaned against one of the abandoned cars, and started to cry. You had been crying for a while before you heard someone walking towards you. You grabbed your switchblade out of instinct and held it at your side, waiting for the person to reveal themselves. Instead of a soc, you saw a boy, no older than 17, walking towards you. He had the most gorgeous black hair you had ever seen, with a scar on his cheek. His greasy hair easily gave it away that he was a greaser, so you had nothing to fear. "Hey," the boy said. "I saw you crying over here, and I couldn't help b-but to come over and see if you were all right". At first, you were hesitant on whether or not to trust him, but the more you started talking to him, the harder it was to stop. The words seemed to flow naturally, as if you didn't even have to think about what to say. You and Johnny became best friends, and were always there for each other.
Sodapop~ Your car was in need of repair because the headlight was out, so you stopped at the DX. As you entered the gas station, you rung a bell to get the attention of one of the employees.
"Just a minute!" You heard someone yell from the repair room. You waited for a while before someone came out to help.
The worker said while fiddling with the cash register, "Hey, how can I help you?" As he looked up, you both stopped. You had heard that the workers at the DX were charming, but you'd never pictured what laid before you. He had mesmerizing blue eyes, and heavily greased black hair. Although his face was covered in dirt, you couldn't help but find him beautiful. You snapped out of your trance and started to cough.
"Um, my headlight is out, and I was hoping you could fix it?" I nervously asked, still in awe by his appearance.
"Yeah, um, of course! You can come to the back with me, it shouldn't take long," the worker said while ushering you to the garage. You two hit it off immediately, and you left with a phone number in your hand.
Two-Bit~ You were at a bar, drunk out of your mind. You couldn't walk straight, or control your actions to save your life. You had called your brother to come pick you up, and were waiting for him outside. Just then, you saw a boy walking towards you. You assumed it was your brother, so you walked up to him and slurred, " Heyyyy bro!"
" Um, I don't think I know you. Who are you exactly?" The man asked with a questioning look on his face.
" Don't be silly, strange man! You're my broooother," you said while skipping around in circles around him.
"My name's Two-Bit, and you're drunk. Is someone coming to pick you up?" He asked, smirking.
" Yes, my brother is, and my brother is yoouuu!" You screamed before hugging him.
" Listen, I'm going to take you home since I don't want you doing anything stupid. Come with me," Two-Bit firmly stated while guiding you toward his car.
" HELP! MY BROTHER IS KIDNAPPING ME," you yelled while trying to kick away from him. People gave you strange looks as they walked past you, and Two-bit gave them an apologetic look. You continued to scream as he pushed you into his car and buckled you in. He drove you home where you found your brother waiting. He up to Two-bit's car and said,"I'm sorry you had to put up with her. She gets a little crazy when she's drunk."
"Don't worry about it. If I had left her there, who knows what she could have done," Two laughed as your brother dragged you out of the car.
" BYE BROTHER!" You yelled as Two-bit drove off. Your brother dragged you inside and the next morning, you were determined to find the man that had driven you home.
Steve~ You has been doing gymnastics since you were 5, and were getting pretty good at it. One day at practice, your instructor came up to you.
"Hey y/n, I have to get home. You can keep practicing, but don't stay out to late. Here's the keys so you can close up when you're done," she said while throwing you the keys.
"Thanks. Have a good night!" You yelled after her. You had been trying to perfect your back handspring for a while now, but you couldn't seem to get the landing right. You ran through the routine in your head, picturing every move you had to do. You began to go through the routine, nailing all the moves in perfect time with your music. And then it was time for the back handspring. You took a deep breath and went through the motions, and you did it perfectly! You struck your ending pose with a smile on your face when you heard someone clapping. You quickly turned around to see a boy around your age with a smirk on his face.
"That was a pretty good routine you got goin' there," he praised while you backed away from him. You had left your switchblade at home, and were regretting it every second.
"Don't worry, I'm not here to kill you. I'm simply here to watch a beautiful girl preform tricks. The name's Steve, Steve Randle," Steve slyly said.
"My name's y/n, but all my friends call me       y/nn," You shyly said. You two talked for a while and had more in common than you had thought.
A/N- Thanks for reading! Comment which one is your favorite so that I can improve my stories in the future.

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