7 - I'm Back Baby

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Me and Carly both walk into her apartment, laughing about something we heard someone say on the way back from the mall. Currently, it's almost 9PM. I'm leaving tomorrow morning and we want to spend as much time together as possible in Seattle before her and her wacky brother moved to L.A.

"I'm so glad we managed to get the old Sam back." She admits to me. I was too. I missed my outrageously horrible temper.

"Same. I missed me." I reply as I slump on the couch.

Spencer comes out of his room with stains all over his blue striped shirt. "Carly where's our stain remover?"

Carly points to a sculpture made of stain remover bottles as she sits down at her desktop. I guess the dumbass added the full bottle in there two. Typical Spencer.

"Should I make the first iCarly blog post in like almost 2 years? Saying how we are making a big return?" She asks me, logging on to the webshows site.

I pause to think about it. It would be a fabulous idea to just wait until we make the first webcast, but it would also be a good idea to warn the people so we get our ratings back up. "Yeah. Let the people know that their favorite dysfunctional trio is returning."

She giggles and starts typing away. That's when my phone screen lights up with a text from Freddie.

Freddo Frog
I heard you're coming back tomorrow?

I don't know why he said he heard because I specifically told him that I would be back on the Saturday. I text him back a reply quickly.

Yes!! Of course I am. I miss my favourite brown haired boy and red haired girl.

Freddo Frog
Good! I miss you too! And I'm pretty sure Cat does too. She wants to tell you something really badly.

Get her to call me, she has my number

Freddo Frog
Will do! I'll tell her to call you now.

Are you IN my apartment, Benson?

Freddo Frog
Yea, I'm hanging with Cat to keep her company. She says I'm the closest thing she has that reminds her of you at the moment.

Keep out of root beer, nerd

Freddie Frog
Oops looks like I'm out of range! Gotta go Sam! Cats dialing your number rn by the way!
Love you!!


That little puke brain left me on seen. He's gonna get it when I get home.

My phone starts to ring. "I gotta take this, Carls."

"Freddie?" Carly asks me, not looking away from the screen.

"No, surprisingly, it's my roommate, Cat." I say as I answer the phone. "Hey Cat!"

The red head giggles as she replies to me. "Hi Sam!! I have something exciting to tell you! I can't wait until tomorrow so I'm telling you now!"

"Okay, shoot." I tell her. I'm actually really curious.

"I GOT A RECORD DEAL!!! I HAVE TO WRITE SOME SONGS AND SING THEM! I'M GOING TO BE FAMOUS!" She screeches into the phone, her high pitched voice making me close my eyes for a second.

"That's great! Have you finished righting one yet?" I ask her. In the background I can hear a bottle opening. "Also tell Benson to stay out of my root beer."

"Freddie! Sam said no!" She says, her innocent voice quiet. I guess she moved the microphone away from her mouth. "He's not listening."

"Give him the phone after we've finished talking so I can yell at him." I roll my eyes. If I get back to that apartment and my root beer is gone I'm going to break that boys limbs. "Anyways. Songs. Have you finished writing any?"

"Of course I have!" Cat giggles. "I've written one called Honeymoon Avenue!"

I smile at my hyper friend. "That's amazing Cat!"

"Thank y- ding dong!" Cat cuts herself off. Classic. "Someone's at the door I'll hand you to Freddie Benson! See you tomorrow Sam!"

"Bye Cat."

"This root beer is so good, Puckett." A deep voice comes from the phone. "Pity it's the last one."

He knows what he's doing. He is well aware that I will go off at him for stealing my drinks.

"Benson." I warn. "I will end your nerdy little life."

"You wouldn't dare." He challenges. Oh yes I will. "Blondie."

"Dork." I know where this is going to go.

"Fat neck."



"Twig legs."



I hear Carly laugh. I smirk knowing that if I'm doing that to Freddometer, I'm definitely back to being the same old blonde headed demon.

"I'm gonna leave now. Me and Carly are hanging out!" I tell him bluntly. I gotta do what I gotta do.

"Okay, okay. I'll see you tomorrow. I love you." He tells me sweetly. I try to fight off the smile.

"Mhmm. Bye Fred-dork!" I exclaim. I purposely don't tell him I love him as punishment for being a little shit and drinking all my root beer.

"Sam! What? No love you too?" He asks me acting shocked. Come on, I am the queen of faking things, I can tell when someone fakes an expression.

"Nope. That's what you get for drinking all of my root beer." I tell him. "Bye... Freak."

I hang up before he can protest once more. Sweet, sweet victory. You see, I get asked all the time if I always have to win and the answer is yes. I do.

Carly stares at me amused at what I did. "I didn't think you would call him names now."

"I'm back baby." Was all I said before we went upstairs to watch Girly Cow.

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