Chapter 8- Plot Twist [Part 2]

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Here's part 2 of chapter 8! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME.

RECAP: Harry turned his head away, unable to look at the sight in front of him. Zayn’s hand was digging into my shoulder so tightly that I thought it was going to bleed. I held Zayn’s hand and shifted closer to Harry. I saw Liam sling an arm around Niall’s shoulder, and Niall put his hand on Zayn’s arm. We all braced ourselves for the horror that was about to happen in front of us…


Suddenly, a gunshot rang out and the man with the sword fell backwards, dropping the sword. Ariana caught it just above her without getting a single slice on her hand. There was mass panic and chaos in the room as the audience scattered around and screamed in fear, heading straight for the exits. As the crowd moved, I saw Niko, still holding a handgun up.

He shot the gun.

He saved Ariana.

The agents caught our attentions, as we were all still completely shocked, and they were motioning for us to follow them. We did as we were told, and we walked through an empty hallway that eventually led us to a back alleyway, where our usual black van was waiting. We heard a door shut to our right, and we all turned our attention to see the toughest person we all know- Ariana. She had somehow quick changed into black skinny jeans, black combat boots, and a white v-neck with a blackish-brown FBI windbreaker on top. I can't even change that quickly during a concert when we have a whole staff of people helping us.We all ran over to her, almost dog-piling on top of her, crushing her in a group hug. Even in this serious moment, she couldn't help but laugh.

"Alright guys, I think that's enough." She chuckled as we all stepped back, beaming. Niko came over, interrupting the moment.

"Guys, if we want to get out of here, I would suggest that we move now and fast." 

We all nodded, stepping into  the black van. It was Niko driving with Ariana riding shotgun, then the five of us along with one other agent in the back. The second van held the other 8 agents assisting us. We quickly pulled out of the alleyway, the sounds of tires skimming echoing through it, and we were off. We weren't sure where this plane was, but we knew that it was going to take us to safety finally...

...or so we thought.

The next thing we know, we hear a gun shot ring, and Ariana is screaming at us to get down as Niko manuevers the now spinning car to a stop, as the road was now wet from the rain that began to fall a couple minutes ago. Ariana hopped out of the car, loading her gun, and before we could protest, Niko had started the car again and raced us behind a building. The agent with us climbed out of the car to assist Ariana, while Niko stayed and kept watch over us. The second van pulled up next to us, and in a mad dash, it's passengers jumped out, all holding loaded guns to assist Ariana as well. Two agents were left behind to help Niko keep watch over us, but we had a perfect view of what was happening on the streets.

It was like a shooting range, except in the middle of the city. I'm guessing any bystanders had already fled the scene because the streets were empty except for Ariana and the other 9 agents with her, and the group of traitors who worked for The Chief. It was a horrid scene. Bullets were richocheting in all different directions or impacting through objects, and the gunfire was loud. Everyone was drenched, and men were falling down like flies, some straight to their death but others cried out in pain. We got to a point where we had more men alive than they did, but the numbers were getting smaller and smaller. There were 4 of us still fighting, and 2 of them, but those two men were obviously very well trained, dodging each bullet.

When things seemed hopeful for us as only one of their men were left, we saw The Chief appear out of nowhere, holding a very large gun that I had never seen before. He aimed it right towards Ariana and pulled the trigger, who dove to the side for protection. We had a perfect view of her because we were behind the scene. Where she was just standing exploded into flames, and she practically flew along the concrete, her body skimming against it. That must've hurt like a bitch. She groaned and pushed herself off the ground, cursing under her breath and she wiped the blood on her hands onto her jeans.

She wasn't even close to giving up yet. She took protection, crouching behind a deserted car left in the street, and loaded her gun. She looked through the window, and it shattered as a bullet shot through it. She immediately ducked again, taking a deep breath, before rising up and stretching out her arm that held the gun. Aimed directly at The Chief, she pulled the trigger before he could even realize what was about to happen. He jolted and stepped back from the impact of the bullet, before placing his hand right over where he had been shot by her and falling slowly to his knees. He collapsed to the floor, dead. This would've been a perfect time to celebrate if the next thing that happened didn't happen.

 Ariana was so distracted by the fact that she had just killed the most powerful man in America who was planning to terrorize the nation that she didn't see one of the traitors from a distance away, pointing his gun at her.

"ARIANA!" I couldn't help but yell it out. My adrenaline was pumping so much that I couldn't hold it in but it was too late.

Things seemed to be moving in slow motion as the now familiar sound of a gunshot rang through our ears and Ariana stumbled shortly before slowly collapsing to her side. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was speechless- all of us were. Was Ariana... just killed? Her body lay motionless on the ground, and Niko's anger took over him. I mean, she was basically his daughter. He came out from behind the wall and shot the man right between the eyes. He was the last man of the traitors standing. Everything was over, but we were hoping that that didn't mean Ariana's life was over. 

Now that we knew it was safe, the remaining agents ran back behind the wall to call ambulences and take care of their injuries, but the boys and I ran out to Ariana. We turned her body so that she layed out on her back. Her eyes were closed- she was completely out, but still breathing. Opening her windbreaker, we saw that her shirt was now almost entirely red. I could feel tears forming in my eyes, and I looked up at the boys to see that I wasn't only one.  

"NIKO!" Zayn called out over his shoulder. Niko immediately ran over to our sides and knelt down next to Ariana, lifting up her shirt to see a gunshot wound on her upper abdomin. The rainfall caused the blood to thin out but made a much bigger mess on her stomach. He pushed his hands down on the wound, and I remember my mom telling me that that helps stop the pressure. I couldn't even bare to look at this anymore.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE THE AMBULENCES?" Niko shouted out to the agents. 

"They're on their way!" An agent called back, who returned to wrapping up one of his fellow agents.

Niko returned his attention back to Ariana, placing his pointer and middle finger on her neck. 

"Her pulse is slowing down." He said with a panicked tone, before returning pressure to her wound. 

 "Come on, Ariana. Stay with us, stay with us..." 

Save You Tonight // one direction short storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora