Chapter 7- Bad News

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"You killed who?" I choked out.

"One of his men..." She replied, looking down.

We all know who she meant when she said "his". It was the man who took over the FBI. The man who's trying to kill us and many other artists for attention. The terrorist. 

"Just calm down and tell us what happened." Liam placed a hand on her shoulder, and gently rubbed up and down her forearm. She seemed to be relaxing a little, and she took a seat, releasing a long sigh.

"Well, I was just walking around, nonchalantly checking to make sure everything would be safe for us. After I while, I began to notice that someone was following me, so I took a new route back here to inform everyone. But then a man came in front of me, dressed in the same dark clothing. I took the quickest turn I could onto a new road until I realized I had turned into an alleyway instead. I was foolish enough to turn my back on them, and I felt someone grab my shoulder and turn me. It was the first man who followed me, and he put up a rather good fight. I thought I had had him in my grip and I was ready to take him back to the safe house in custody, when I felt another man smack me across the face to the ground. I'm guessing my gun skidded away because it ended up being a few inches away from me as the second man wrapped his hands around my neck. He actually came very close to killing me, but I was able to grab the tip of my gun and get a good hold of it. I fumbled with it for a second but pulled the trigger, sending the bullet right into his stomach." She paused and looked at us, making sure we were following the story, and then continued.

"I jumped to my feet and held the gun up to the other man, and he knew I would shoot after what he had just witnessed. He ran off out of the alleyway, I'm guessing back to the FBI building, and then I made attempts to save the other man. I put pressure on the wound for as long as I could, but the blood flow just wouldn't stop and he had lost too much already. I wasn't able to save him, and that one guy is probably going right back to the agency to report it." She held her head in her hands. 

"But wasn't it self-defense? I thought everything's okay as long as you were just protecting yourself!" Niall reasoned, giving the rest of us hope that she quickly shut down with a shrug of her shoulders. 

"That man can change that story as much as he wants. He was the only other person who saw it happen besides me. And the terrorist in charge only hears what he wants to hear, so even if the man does tell the truth, the chief will probably make it much worse than it is just to have me killed. Besides, word on the street is that, in his mind, I'm his biggest threat, so he'll do anything to get rid of me."

 We noticed a proud glint in her eye when she said that she's his biggest threat, but it was replaced with anxiety once again. Out of nowhere, Niko walked in, not looking too happy.

 "You're right about that, Miss Ricozzi."

We all became very worried at this. Ariana had told us that Niko never calls her Miss Ricozzi unless she's in trouble or there's a very serious matter that she's not taking very seriously. I'm gonna take a guess that it's the first option in this situation.

"Lay it on me, Niko." She sighed, rising to her feet, waiting to hear what horrible thing he was probably gonna say.

"The chief was informed of your actions, but everything was indeed twisted around to make you look bad. They think you have broken the code that you may not kill another agent unless acted upon first." He paused, building suspense up in all of us because we knew that wasn't it. There was more that he need to tell us. He sighed, his facial expression softening and his tone becoming much sadder.

 "We tried to do as much as we could to help you, but his mind has been set in stone. He's set up a date for your execution." 

The word execution rang in our minds like church bells in a small town. Ariana might as well have just not fought back against those men in the alleyway, because the end result would've been the same.


Ariana is going to be killed.

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