Chapter 4- B.S.

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I told the boys about my whole little moment with Ariana, and they were in such shock to the point of not believing me. We all had assumed that she was just uninterested in us and this was more of a chore than anything. Friendliness was the last thing we had expected from her.

 And saying we were shocked after what had happened today is an understatement. 

The boys and I were sitting around the table playing a good game of "B.S." It was my turn, and I was supposed to put down a seven. As I looked through my cards, I noticed I didn't have one, so being my slick self, I confidently put down a 9. All the boys seemed to fall for it as no one called me out on my bluff. That is, until I heard Ariana's familiar voice.

"He's obviously bull shitting."

I turned around, thinking she was behind me looking over my shoulder at the cards, but saw no one. Instead, I saw she was standing behind Zayn who was across the table from me. My mouth opened.

"How could you possibly know that?!" I didn't think I made it look that obvious that I lied. I actually thought that I had put on quite the act.

"Oh please. Your body language screamed at me that you were lying." She said as she took a seat in the empty chair next to Zayn. Out of natural instinct, I looked down at my body and then looked up with a pout. 


"Yep, now hand over some cards and I'll show you how it's done."

 And so she did.

She completely and utterly owned all five of us, and ending up winning the whole game. I guess when you're a trained special agent you're able to notice these kinds of things, no matter how small they are. There wasn't a lie she didn't catch. Everytime she called B.S. on someone, all the guys would smirk at whoever was caught and she would look up with that proud glint in her smiling eyes. We were happy she didn't take it easy on us, it made the game all the more amusing.

But as if that wasn't friendly enough, the next thing we know, we're all sitting on the living room floor on top of matresses cuddled up in blankets and leaning against pillows- including Ariana. She was even talking to us like normal people, not like children she was unwillingly babysitting for money.

 "So, what's it like working for the FBI?" Louis asked, intrigued at the idea.

"Intense. Definitely intense. It doesn't really give you a life."

"What do you mean?" Niall was also very intrigued.

"Well, there's always something they want you to do, even if you're not working in the field or on assignments or anything. One minute you're training physically and mentally, then the next minute you're taking field tests, and then the next you're working to be upgraded into an official agent. There's a lot of work that goes into it, and unfortunately all this work takes a lot of time." She sighed. "No time means things like homeschooling and not many friends... and to me that's not a normal life, but it's become my life." 

"What about your family?" Zayn questioned. She shrugged.

"I don't have one. I'm an orphan, always have been. That's why I'm even apart of the force. When I was 8, the orphanage I lived at lost a lot of it's funding and needed to cut some things out of the budget in order to maintain any stability. That included the amount of kids it cared for. They tested us all in different areas to see if there was anywhere they could send us rather than just leaving us to fend for ourselves on the streets, and my cognitive skills were miles above average. Because of those results, I was one of the few kids in the entire nation to be welcomed into this secret branch of the FBI that trained people from childhood in hopes of creating stronger agents in the future. The FBI's my family now, I live and breathe it."

She paused, and we all felt really sorry for her. Imagine not being able to live like a kid. Imagine walking down the street and seeing a girl laughing with a group of her friends when you have none. Or imagine not having a family, no mom or sibling or dad to go to when you're needed. Or even more, imagine being made into some advanced agent as a child. That's exactly how she feels, and that's just heartbreaking. I could never live a life like that. We all sat around silent, knowing this is a really hard topic for her, though she doesn't show any signs of being upset. 

"But this is the life I chose to have. And honestly, it's a great life. I have skills I never imagined I would ever have and have done things people can't even imagine. But it does get lonely without family or friends."

"We'll be your family!" Niall said excitedly.

"Yeah, forget the FBI! We'll be a much better family." Liam added in. The guys all agree with him, and she smiles.

"Me being a member of the One Direction family? Sounds crazy..." She gives us all looks.

We all slump our shoulders in defeat. I guess sleepovers are as friendly as she's gonna get. 

"...but I like crazy, in case you can't already tell from my abnormal life. I would love to be in your family- to finally have a family." She continued with a smile. We all jumped on her and laughed as we hugged it out. It's unbelievable how drastically her opinions on us has changed in the course of three weeks. It's a change for the better, of course. A change towards becoming who she should really be.

Eventually, we all settled in for the night, and much to our happiness, Ariana didn't change her mind about sleeping down here with us. As we all dozed off into a much more comfortable slumber than before, I could just barely hear Ariana sigh not too far from where I was laying.

 "My family." 

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