"Ey, dobe."

I looked at him and smiled. He looked back at me. He made a weird looking grimace? What? Do I have something in my face? He then looked down at my luggage.

"Is that all you brought with you?"

Say what?

"Well yes?"

He only sighed and carried the luggage inside. I smiled.

"Thanks Sasuke!"

I yelled while he went inside. I was about to march inside too when I remembered....I had to bring my tank with me. Ugh. I grabbed the handle and carried it inside. Lucky for me, it got wheels! :D The house wasn't smaller inside....if anything it looked bigger! Wow. It must get lonely living here all by yourself....He is lucky I'm staying here for a while! Haha. I chuckled for myself. Sasuke suddenly appeared.

"Your room is in the first hallway, second door to the left. The bathroom is the door before."

I smiled and made my way towards my room. Sasuke looked at me again. What's the deal? It's not like I've been in the hospital for that long....geez. Doesn't he know it's rude to stare at people. I shrugged it off and went inside my room. He already prepared a futon for me. How generous pf him....I threw the cover off searching for something he might have hidden. Hmmm. Nothing. That's weird. Oh well. I didn't bother to put the cover back on and went back into the stove. Sasuke was in the kitchen. When he came out again he held a tomatoe. I raised an eyebrow. Okay.....cough. I covered my mouth and smiled like nothing happened. Sasuke came closer. I coughed some more. Ah...no Sasuke....this is not the time to come closer to me....cough....shit....unless you want blood all over yourself. He still came closer.


I smiled but got interrupted by my coughing attacks. Shit. The mask. I looked around. Where the heck is the mask? I coughed some more. My chest hurts like hell. I almost collapsed but used the sofa to support me. I grasped my shirt. Ouch.....ouch.....cough.

"Naruto? Dobe!"

I looked over at him. Oh. I forgot he's still here. Wait. That's perfect....I coughed some more.

"S-Sasuke....cough....the mask....."

Some blood came out. Shit. On the sofa too. Sasuke is probably going to kill me....well that's if the cancer doesn't. Sasuke looked around trying to find the mask. Once he spotted it lying on the ground in the hallway he grabbed it. Quickly.....hurry up bastard.....My coughing became more intense and I collapsed on the floor holding my chest. I felt a hand harshly lifted my head by my hair. What the? A mask was placed rather forcefully on my mouth. My eyes was half closed and my chest was hurting. Once I realized what was happening I grabbed the mask and breathed into it slowly....okay maybe not slow....but more even than before at least. I heard a thump on the floor. I looked over at Sasuke who seemed....shocked? Eh?

"What the fuck Naruto?"

That bastard what does he mean!? That bastard. I tried to glare at him, but I only managed something that looked like a pained one. I was just about to take the mask off when I felt a hand push it back on. It was harder than I thought so I fell back and my head hit the sofa. I quickly realized Sasuke was the one who pushed it back on.

"You....ah.....can let...go now....b-bastard...."

He looked angry now. He let go off the mask,but I didn't take it off.....better not piss him off anymore. I'm not in the mood for a fight right now.

"You call me a bastrard!? You're going to fucking explain yourself Naruto!"

Huh? I looked confused at him. What do I have to explain? Why I get the attacks? That's pretty obvious.

"What am I....ah....suppose to explain?"

Sasuke glared at me.

"You are going to explain why you began coughing like an idiot. Why you got that weird tank with you! Why you coughed blood on my sofa? What the heck is happening Naruto!?

What? What's happening.....oh no. I just realized why he let me stay here. I looked down. Sasuke was probably confused. I grabbed my knees and avoided Sasuke's gaze.

"So....Tsunade didn't tell you after all......that old hag...."

Yay! Finally an update :D So what do you think of the story so far? What do you think is going to happen next? Any suggestions of something you want to happen later on in the story. What do you think Sasuke's reaction will be like? Does Naruto need to go home? Let's find out in the next chapter! ^.^

Follow me on insta: drawinganimeforever

Love Bunny-Chan :3

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