Chapter 3

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Taehyung's POV.

"What do you mean?" Asked Jungkook looking at me with amazement playing in his eyes.

"Come" I said taking his hand from my shoulder and standing up, dragging him after me as I was going towards the waterfall.

We climbed on the rocks near the running water, still holding hands. As we reached that nature's shower I took a deep breath and guided Jungkook through it. Behind it, there was a small tunnel, size like a little room, enough to walk in for both of us.

I guided him to the back. Where on the day of my 18th birthday, on the wall he carved a note with a knife.

Taehyung + Jungkook = best friends till eternity

Right below it there was another note. This one tho was carved with my writing, not his.

I promise to stay by your side forever

"When did you...?"

"On my coronation day" I interrupted him, already knowing his question "Remember..."

"When you ran away" now he interrupted me "I came looking for you knowing you'd be here. I found you looking at the lake while sitting under the waterfall, crying your heart out"

"You shouldn't interrupt your King" I said with a teasing smile.

"Don't change the subject. We both know we made a deal on my 16th birthday that we're totally equal here" Jungkook was right on this one. I dragged him here on his birthday to give him his present and a promise, that my title will always disappear here. That here we would only be left as Kookie and Tae.

Two best friends.

"I never told you..." I went silent for a second and took a deep breath "You knew that I was terrified. But not only for the reason, you thought I was so devastated about. About the whole becoming the King situation. I was also frightened about us"

I let go of his hand and went towards the waterfall. I kept talking while looking at the running water, sparkling from the sun "I was afraid that once I became the King our friendship would get ruined, little by little. I was afraid that my role as a King would distant you from me. I knew you too well. I still do" I felt Jungkook coming closer. Now standing beside me "I knew that as I became the King you, being a simple knight would belittle yourself in front of me. So I came here to make myself a promise. To make you a promise. To do everything I can in my power to allow you to feel as equal and valuable as I am. And here, sitting under this waterfall I found the perfect solution"

"That's why you made me the Great General the day after" I looked at Jungkook as he said these words and found him already looking at me.

"And you were the perfect candidate for it. You saw your dad working in the exact same position your whole life. I knew you would be as excellent as him. And he definitely was the best. You also were the only one that would not put yourself above others in a role like this. I knew you were perfect for it because of your selflessness. So I made a little selfish decision myself and put you in a role against the law of it since you were too young. I knew there would be a lot of disapproval. We both know there was. But I couldn't care less. Didn't care at all what anyone thought actually, as you remember. That was a way to keep you by my side, close to my own role and I used my power to change the law a bit to my advantage. Made you the youngest Great General in our countries history. But you didn't let me down even the slightest bit"

"I was selfish too you know. For the first time, I was. I could have refused it. But I didn't for the same reason. I could stay close to you in a position like this. Most importantly, I can protect you at all cost and be beside you in every step you make" I looked into his eyes full of admiration. I marveled at this man. I admired him for his loyalty. I felt affection towards him and felt his attachment to me as well.

"I guess we're both selfish then it comes to each other" I gave him a smile and pulled him in a hug again. For some reason, I couldn't stay away from him, not today. As I felt his hands wrapping around me as well I felt not only safe. I always feel that way when I'm around him. I also felt something more. I knew it was wrong but I couldn't help it. I always knew I felt something deeper towards Kookie and the feelings only grew over the years. And today they were stronger than ever. I wanted to stay in his arms forever. Never let go and never leave this place. I buried my face in the crook of his neck, inhaling deeply.

"You know, the sun is coming down. We should come back" Said Jungkook pulling away slightly but not daring to let me go even the sightliest bit.

"We should, but what if we won't? " I looked at him with pleading eyes.

"We have to, you know it" I saw in his eyes that he didn't want to go as well. But we both knew he was right after all.

"Okey. But you staying in my chambers tonight. I'm not letting you go till tomorrow morning" I said taking his hand and going towards the horses.

"And I'm not complaining" Said Jungkook going after me with an honest smile. Somehow he always reminded me of a bunny as he smiled like this. I couldn't take it.

"You look like a bunny again, you know" I announced while getting on my horse after we dressed up.

"Stop it. You know I hate then you call me like that. I will stop smiling if you say it again" he said getting on his horse himself. Pretending to be mad and offended.

"We both know you can't hide that smile then you with me" I said teasingly again and grabbed the reins for the horse to start moving. Jungkook as always not falling behind me even the slightest bit.

Author's note:
Hello my dear readers 🥺
I actually cannot believe this story somehow already has over a 100 reads 💜 I'm incredibly grateful and I hope that you're enjoying the story as much as I enjoy writing it 😊

I'm very sorry for the late update... I  started editing the chapters on my own from now on, so sorry in advance if some sentences will be grammatically incorrect, English is my 2nd language after all 😅

I will try to update soon but I'm a bit lacking in motivation so your votes and comments (especially comments) would surely help 💜💜💜

Purple you all and see you soon 💜

P. S. Yes, you got it right, in this one there was the first reference to the book name 😌

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