Chapter 6

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Jungkook's POV.

Tae didn't even get to rest before we already sat in the Royal meeting room. A huge map of the world we know, was hanging on the wall as always. It was starting from behind me, our kingdom marked golden in it. Taehyung sat at the head of the table, me on his right, Jimin on the left. Every Vice General and Role Commander were urgently called for this meeting. Everyone was seated except Namjoon. As the Royal Advisor, he always stood right behind and beside the King, this being no exception. Though Taehyung and I both asked him to sit down due to his hurt leg, he did not listen.

"I believe you all know why we are here." Taehyung started the meeting and everyone went silent. "But before we start discussing the not so pleasant news let's hear out our Great General of the Royal military, Jeon Jungkook, who just came back from the meeting with the prince of England" I stood up, though my heart was still beating a bit more rapidly, just from the King saying my name.

"I'm glad to be back with only great news" I said walking closer to the map "As you know the meeting was arranged in the matter of the North Lands, which was not divided after the battle with Francia. Us and England both, won against them, taking back our previous lands and conquering some new ones. I and the Prince decided to fairly divide the lands that once belonged to Francia. The river of Buren being our country's new North borderline, as well as England's, officially making them our neighbors" I turned away from the map, finished explaining where our new border was, and looked at the men seated at the table. All were approvingly nodding, obviously satisfied with the news.

I looked at the King, who was already looking at me proudly, already knowing what I'll say next.

"Besides that, at the meeting with the Prince of England, his Grace King of England and his Royal Advisor, we signed a new contract, that was approved and sealed with the final signature by our King, Kim Taehyung before this meeting. "All were looking at me with curiosity in their eyes while I walked back to my place - the chair on the right of the King. I was keeping an eye contact with his Majesty, the proud look of his was reflecting in me. I was glad I made my King proud. "And that exact contract finally made our new neighbor, England, the so wanted official ally of our country." All started applauding, looking at me proudly as well, satisfied with the news.

I sat back, again looking at Tae, who was smiling at me warmly, and then, he looked back at the table before him, the cold and straight face of the King back. Seriousness took over the table.

"And this important ally will be very useful for us, as from this moment, we'll be starting to prepare for the war against Ottoman Empire" Said Taehyung, completely serious, starting the main topic of this meeting.


"I'm happy Jimin established himself as a great leader in his lands already. He as a Role Commander with his army will be a great help to the country at this war, don't you think?" Asked the King looking at me. It was only me and him remaining in the room after the meeting. I walked beside him and looked at the map, previously looked at by Tae.

"Yes definitely. But I have a suggestion about his position at this war." I looked back at Tae, who was still looking at me. Our eyes meeting.

"I agree with your idea" Tae said immediately.

"You haven't even heard it" I said, a smile appearing on my tired face.

"Yet I already know it will be a brilliant one, as always" he said, smiling. He was looking at me with that look on his face. Again. The look like I'm his everything. Stop thinking about it Jungkook.

"I was thinking we could leave him and his army protecting the barrier between our country's and Turks, or if it happens so, that the war will take place in our lands, he could stay protecting the capital. It will be less dangerous, but still very important since I'm almost sure either will be attacked as well. He will not be so satisfied to not be present at the great battle itself. But I believe it will be the safest option. I could not bear Sunhee's pain if anything happened to him, and I know you couldn't as well." I said, confident with my suggestion. "Not to mention your sister is obviously next in line to the throne, so him as well."

"I could not have thought better myself. I will approve of that with an official statement and tell it to him first thing tomorrow morning. Thank you." he said with an honest smile. But I saw something else in his eyes before he turned away from me. Maybe it was fear, or maybe it was worry. Maybe both.

"What is it? Talk to me Tae." I said walking in front of him. Taking his hands gently into mine since it was only me and him in the room.

"I'm scared. I'm scared of losing. I'm scared of something happening to you. We will both have to be there, in the front lines, leading the army and you know it. It will be the first big war we'll fight in. And don't get me wrong, I would not even think of doing this with anyone else except you" He looked down. Serious face, yet sadness and fear was present in his eyes. "It will also be the first war, first battles against Turks to our country, since the one that our fathers died at. I'm just scared..." Tae looked back at me, every emotion and vulnerability now visible in his eyes. The look that says it all.

"I'm scared that we will meet their fate"

"We will not. As long as you have me by your side, I will always protect you. Nothing bad will happen. We will win, I'm sure of it." I said getting closer, trying to calm down the most important person in my life.

"That's what I'm afraid of Kook. You can not only protect me. You have to protect us both. You know I'm not scared of dying. I'm scared of losing you." The King pulled me into a hug and I hugged back instantly. Warm bodies connecting. Our souls interlocking into one.

"I know Tae, I know" I hugged my soulmate more, trying to reassure him one more time.

"Come on, let's go. Sunhee's and Jimin's welcome celebration is about to start. We should both be there." He looked at me again. Not breaking off the hug, as always.

"Only after you will take a warm bath and relax for some time. You have to rest at least a bit first." I said with a caring look. "I'm not letting you go anywhere before that"

"Then you'll have to make sure I'll take it yourself. And a bath would be in use for you as well" My King said, a playful look in his eyes.

"Oh and maybe I will do just that" I said with the same playfulness, teasing him a bit. Seeing the blush I have been waiting for and missing so much, on the breathtaking face in front of me.


Author's note:

Hello, my dear readers 🥺

So, finally an update. Sorry for taking so long.

I hope you like this part and I hope you can guess this is only the beginning. I'll try to upload more frequently, but no promises. Especially since my life does not seem to become any freer at any time soon...

Please vote and comment, it helps a lot 💜

Purple you all and see you soon 💜

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