The Letter "E": An Alphabet Poem

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"E" is an unbalanced stack, waiting to topple over,
A bustling city street or an avenue with dark, dangerous alleyways.
Written backwards, "E" is a wall, dividing things, keeping people from reaching the other side.
It is a comb, about to yank through a little girl's hair,
And a tree with barren branches.
"E" on its back is rock bottom, when the only way out is up.
It is a crate without a lid, allowing what's inside to grow infinitely taller.
"E" is a triton, meant to be wielded by those who are worthy.
It is the goal post that you kick the game-winning field goal through.
"E" is excellence, excelling, going above and beyond.
It is the feeling of ecstasy, exhilaration, and excitement.
"E" is elegance, sophistication, and grace.
"E" is the "ever" in your happily ever after.
"E" is the glory of pulling Excalibur from the stone.
It is Elara, the gold moon of Jupiter, a princess of Greek mythology.
"E" is "Excelsior!" moving upward and onward to greater glory.

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