Chapter 40: Beside the Dying Fire

Start from the beginning

Indigo climbed up the ladder as fast as she could one step at a time. When she reached the top she stood up wincing in pain, she felt herself getting weak but she had to remain strong. She reached the side of the barn as she took out the lighter.

"Indigo, now!" Rick yelled from below. Indigo held the lighter over the edge, "Keep it steady!"

"I'm trying!" She yelled back.

"Go!" Rick shouted as she let go of the lighter listening to its flame meet the air. It hit the ground setting the barn alight.

"Got it!"

Indigo managed to turn around and wobble down the stairs to meet Rick, "Oh no!"

Rick grabbed her hand, "Indigo, now! This way!"

"They're all over the place." Indigo cried out watching as the walkers surrounded them from all sides, the fire spreading from behind them.

"There's no corralling them. We're gonna run out of ammo before we even make a dent. We need a new game plan." Rick told her, she didn't understand, but she gathered they were currently fucked. Ricks eyes darted around for an escape exit finally stopping at the woods, "There. Head for the woods now, as fast as you can. Come on. Come on!"

Indigo began sprinting through the walkers dodging them, Rick not far behind but she felt her legs giving in, falling to the ground.

"Indigo, Jesus are you okay?!" Rick yelled as she felt a single tear fall onto her cheek.

"H-he got me Rick."


"He-he-Shane got me..." Rick moved her jacket over exposing her blood stained shirt, "I-I guess I just wasn't fast enough this time."

"No." Rick clipped his hands under her fragile body, "I'm not going to lose you. You're going to live."

After what felt like forever, the duo finally made it to the house as the group all rushed past her realising she had been hurt.

"Jesus Christ, Indigo?!" Lori yelled, "o-oh my god."

"Hershel! Hershel!" Rick shouted as Indigo listened to his desperate calls, "Indigo-it's- she's hurt?!"

Glenn grabbed bags passing them to T-Dog who was piling them into cars as Daryl held her hand, "What the fuck happened out there?!"

Rick felt him self losing it. It was his fault. He couldn't look after this girl.

"S-she was fine and then she just-she"

"We gotta go." Hershel yelled running down the stairs stopping when he saw the small pasty girl, "is she still alive?"

"O-only just."

"I've got nothing left Rick, it's all gone."


Indigo felt herself placed inside of the backseat of a car, she didn't know who's but she felt safe. She listened to the moans of the monsters outside slowly creeping up on them.

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