4 - Desires

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Writer's pov

Around eight at night. Siddarth's business friends get together party was going in it's full swing. As per order Nivi already locked her inside his bedroom. She was preparing her bed at floor to take a small nap because after that party she needs to clean up everything. So these were some golden opportunities to take some rest.

Nivi was not allowed to sleep on bed without Siddarth's permission. Time she was on bed was when Siddarth wants to satisfy his sexual desires  but soon after his urge get full filled he kick her out from the bed.

There were several times Nivi wished to sleep on bed or to rest her body on that soft spring  mattress when her body screamed with pain. But other than looking at them there wasn't any opinions. What she use on floor can't be called as a mattress because it was a thin sponge material which worn out as much as it can. An old cotton bedsheet and a cotton cover that was her duvet. Even pillow wasn't provided. Sometimes she used her bag or dress to put support on neck when she feels pain on neck after all hectic works. But it is worst when Siddarth uses air conditioner at minimum. He will be sound asleep under his soft quilt but all suffering was for Nivi. Under that thin cotton bedsheet she will try her best to sleep.


" So Siddarth how you feel after seeing your under top five prominent business personalities? " Siddarth and his business friends were at garden side celebrating with drinks and food for his new success.

" It's all same. What the difference? " Siddarth replied while sipping some alcohol.

" Oh come on don't be so modest man.
After that new project your position will be at first. Nothing to get surprised after all whose blood runs through your body. The great Dev Singh Khurana. Your dad might be happy when he watches your success from there" one of his friend commented.

" It was really a shock for everyone when Mr Khurana bid farewell from us so suddenly. No one thought that ......" His friend stopped in middle and sighed.

" He was all happy and healthy when he attended the last share holders meeting. Then soon after that day I got the call about his sudden death. He never skipped his health check-ups, your mom never allowed that. She always took care about his medicines then how a sudden attack made everything upside down ? " There was an middle aged man who is Siddarth's Dad's friend.

" Sometimes no one can handle huge blows uncle. Especially when they get to know that they lost something precious from their hand. " Siddarth mumbled and gulped the entire glass.

" Without seeing my marriage, without taking seeing his grandchildren he just went like that and there is only one person to blamed for it. " Siddarth mumbled pressing the glass within his hands.

" Leave it Siddarth why you want to dig out what already happened? " Suddenly a women in her mid fifties appeared behind Siddarth  along with her a man in his early thirties.
Indira Rathore and her younger son Raguveer Rathore.

" Aunty you also lost something precious then how can you behave like everything is normal? " Siddarth looked at her with his pain filled eyes.

" We can't change what already happened or we can't blame anyone for that. Everything is fate. In this old age whom I will blame " she wipes her tears. All of sudden surroundings become silent.

" Come on mom ..... Don't be like this. Sid you carry on she is always like this. " Her son took her towards mansion and others joined back with Siddarth

" What the hell was that mom ? Infront of everyone seriously ?  " Raguveer, her son yelled at her

" To provoke Siddarth such dosages are needed at regular intervals Veer. If our plan doesn't goes like we want then forget about getting a single penny on your hands.
Instead of money and luxuary there will be hand cuffs on our hands. Do you want to spend your good life in jail? " She yelled back at Raguveer and he suddenly shook his head as no.

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