Chapter One: Literally EVERYONE Ships Solangelo

Start from the beginning

"No," Will said, the crimson spreading from his cheek to the tips of his ears. His voice was an octave higher than usual, and he looked very much like he did not want to be talking about this right now or, preferably, ever.

Well, too bad. Couples are supposed to share things with each other, right?

"Was it?" Nico repeated.

"No," confirmed Will, "He, uh... Well."

"Well what?"

Will sighed. "He sent a haiku as well."

A pause. "I'm so sorry," Nico said sincerely. Another pause, and then he couldn't hold back the snorts of laughter that burst from him at a rapid, raucous rate (neither could Will, though, so Nico counted that as a victory). "What did it say?"

Will buried his face in his hands. "Nooooo."

"Tell meeeeee."


"Then you leave me no choice," Nico said, deadpan and serious. Slowly, his bottom lip pouted out; then, his eyebrows pushed together, drawing upwards, and his eyes began to water. He then proceeded to do his best to give his eyes a sad(der) look, forcing the tears that were brimming to nearly fall, letting only one or two slip.

The di Angelo puppy face; not even Bianca had ever been able to resist it. Even Hades softened when confronted with it, although begrudgingly and not to the extent any mortal would. It was a weapon Nico only employed for the most serious of circumstances, and Nico seriously needed to know what that haiku said.

"Fuck you," Will groaned emphatically.

"You wish," Nico said, winking. "What did it say?"

Will sighed. "Uh. It said..." Will cleared his throat. "Uhm.....

        You two are so cute

        You should make lots of babies

                Plow his ass, son."

Nico snorted with laughter. "Holy shit, that's awful."

"Yeah," Will agreed, "but not his worst."

"Do I want to know?"

"No. No, you really, really don't."

Nico just chuckled again. The air between them was suddenly... charged. Though the two of them had been together-together for a while now, it was still... new. In theory they knew how to act with and around the other in a romantic context, but... Well, they were still slow on the uptake. Oftentimes someone would have to--

"HOLY HEPHAESTUS!" Yelled Clarisse La Rue. Her arm was freshly bandaged, no doubt thanks to the now incredibly startled looking daughter of Asclepius beside her. "Just fucking kiss already!"

"Shut up, Clarisse," Nico grumbled-- not loud enough for her to hear, of course, because he just simply didn't have the time to pick a fight with her. Well, he had time to pick it, but not see it through. Or did he....?

Nico opened his mouth. "S--"

"No," Will said immediately, grabbing Nico by the arm and steering him away. "Not today."

"Fair, thanks." Nico smiled lopsidedly at Will. Gods, he was beautiful. And amazing. And caring. And funny. And--

Before he knew it, Nico was outside the dark obsidian walls of his cabin.

"Uh, well..." Will paused, swallowing hard. "I'll see you at dinner?"

"Yeah," Nico said, because, of course. Will wouldn't even let him try to skip a meal, not if he could help it. "I-- Yeah."

Blushing, Nico turned to walk through the door-- only to be stopped. Will had grabbed his arm again this time whirling Nico around, kissing him deeply before releasing his hold. "See you in a few."

Nico, an entirely new shade of red, watched as Will scampered back to the infirmary, his knees week, the butterflies in his stomach fluttering harder than ever before.




here's the first chapter of the rewrite! Yeet yeet!

I gave Nico some literacy when it came to modern slang/expressions/memes, because look. I know the boi has traveled, has been through some shit, but like... I frankly cannot see him not picking up some slang both traveling around the world and chilling at CHB. LET HIM SAY MEMES, RICHOLAS!!!!!!

Speaking of Richolas:

Much like Nico re: the Fates, I must disclaim because my future could potentially fall on the line here lmao.

I don't own Nico, Will, the Avengers, Chiron, Camp Half-Blood... etc. All I own is the plot and at most a background character here or there (such as that daughter of Asclepius!). They are the property of Rick Riordan and Marvel Entertainment, respectively.

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