Endless Garden

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On every flower is a petal
That holds its place for a little while
Until it is no longer needed.
Replaced with another
When the time comes.

I am not one of those petals.

I am the wind around you
The one you never noticed
That makes you sway gently,
And takes your breath away.

I am not the blooming rose
Nor am I the thorns to your demise.
I am the rain that pours heavily
Giving you life with every drop
Of my love.

I am not the grass
That comes in the spring
And goes in the winter.
But I am the very soil
That makes you grow
For all of eternity.

I am not another tulip you desire
To keep you company in your bouquet
I am the sun you need
Shining lustrously in the sky,
To make you smile.

Do not believe
I am just another flower
In your never ending garden.

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