Chapter 17 - Trickery

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Spaz's pov

"So are you really going to stand here and let them have her?" I asked. If they say yes I will take her away.

"What do you suggest? You seen what will happen if they see her go. And what happens if the orders they give goes long distance?" Ash replies. He has a point and the Grimm brothers could take her away if we're not careful.

"Leave this to us." Her dad said. We all follow the pair down and we all stop when we see Winter. Gage has her in the stand up cage. Gabriel is passed out on the bed.

"Don't even think about it." Gage jumped upped on the cage his eyes are black with toxic green swirling them. He's now sitting down and leans his elbows on his knees.

"I will kill you if you don't let my daughter go you basturd." The father threatens. Gage just laughs.

"You try and she will too. You see I heard everything. And yes our orders can work long distance. I will put her in so much pain she will go insane to the point she will try to end herself. Now she will remain with us when you want to take her out or she wears this." Gage holds up this black and green collar I can smell the sliver and a hint of something I can't place. I watch as all the vampires jump back and let out a room shaking growls.

"Are you trying to kill her!?" Scar yells.

"No it's only like that because of this." Gage shows us the fob that has two buttons. He hits one and the smell that I can't place disappears with the green color turns purple. He presses the other and the smell of sliver also disappears with the black turning red. I know his game he will push the buttons if we try or if she tries anything.

"I also have a harness for when she's in her other form. Point is we will have a say for everything that go's on here, also hold on." He jumps down and attaches something around her thigh making her whimper.

"When we aren't with her she will wear this." It's like a stretchy cuff that locks on the side so we can't take it off.

"Anyway I said our terms you can have her until Gabriel wakes up." Gage says before unlocking her and I watch as Scar grabs her and picks her up holding tight before bolting up to his room slamming the door and locking it.

"One last thing you try anything and we will turn her and trust me you will hate what she will become." Gage adds with a wink.

Scar's pov

I walk over to my bed and lay down holding her close.

"I'm sorry for this I didn't know what they were." I tell her softly. She wraps herself around me. It looks like I have a Winter vest. I chuckle rubbing her back. I was just about to sleep when I hear knocking on my door. I fear the worst when I open my door to face everyone. I release a breath I didn't know that I was holding. I step back walking to my bed before laying down and look up to find they shut and locked the door.

"How is she?" Sky asked climbing up to his bed which is above mine.

"She's asleep." I just point at her.

"How is she hanging on and sleeping at the same time?" Anarchy asked cocking his head in question. Before I could answer Winter she did.

"I don't want to wake up with them. That's how I can sleep and cling at the same tim...." Winter squeezes tighter whimpering. The smell hits me. The blue glove smell is back. It's a flower that is fatal to us.

"Fuck you Gage! I fucking hate you! Just leave me alone for the night!" Winter screams out making us cover our ears and jaws drops. She starts snoring.

"Okay then. Is she really sleeping?" Demon asked.

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