Chapter 4- Ours

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Ash's Pov

After saying that I look down.

"Guy's, I think we broke her." Gabriel spoke up.

"Nope this girl can take a..." Gabriel stopped mid-sentence. Turning around to see what the hell's going on. I focus where his eyes staring at.

"Is that what I think it is?" I ask. He gets up punches the wall. I can tell he's pissed. We remove everything but her bra and panties. All over are marks below Gabriel is a line follow the vein it was covered by her arm warmer. Same on the other side. She has one on her neck going shoulder to shoulder that her hair was covering. I look lower above her heart a line where her dress covered. I was shaking in anger. Where her stocking were fresh cuts. All the places where you cut you bleed out. She did, I guess Gabriel wasn't enough.

"How the fuck did you not know!" I yelled, I saw red and charged. Being held by the older one's Demon, Sky and Gage. Anarchy, Damien and Scar in front of me.

"Calm down, breathe, she's alive. We are all pissed. I know you're the oldest but SHIT HIS EYES ARE RED!" Anarchy, Damien, and Scar yelled, I pull free. I feel wing's spread open working as a shield when I'm like this no one can take me down I'm walking towards Gabriel. Luckily, he hasn't noticed me. When I'm in front of him I turn him around.

"Do it Ash take the power back. I couldn't even notice or smell the blood. I guess that's why she started dressing like that." Gabriel says, I found the leader mark on his neck I bit there having myself be whole my fangs longer, my wing's longer my mind reading back. I grow bigger stronger. My hair spikes. I look at Gabriel his hair going flat. Smaller, fangs shorter. His eyes dimming but mine are glowing red. I smirk green blood dripping down my fangs, lips, down my chin running down my neck soaking my shirt. I drop him he collapses I turn around and face the others. Licking my fangs God, I missed them.

"You were saying?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest. My mark on winters neck sizzles. Making her scream. I have to mark her again. It's gone. I notice tears stream down her face.

"Enough Ash you're going to kill her" Damien said.

"She can't be killed obviously" I said, motioning to the cuts. I bit her hard tasting her oh so sweet blood. She wakes up but I keep drink holding her tighter. 'Winter you're in so much trouble' I thought.

"Ash stop your killing her." They all said. I feel her panting and shaking her heart beating fast. I know she's scared and I'm loving it I wrap my hand around her neck. I pull my face up I laugh. I look down to see a terrified Shaking Winter.

"Yes, be scared of me! I'm the leader and no one can stop me! And you just pissed me off! Why did you do this? -points to the marks- I'll be the one who says you can die!" I yell, feeling them trying to get through my wing's

"ASH ENOUGH!" they yelled.

"I'm sorry just let me go" Winter said. I pulled her up placing her back against me my lips on my mark still holding her neck I feel her grab on my arm pulling. I get annoyed with my free hand I place them behind her. I uncurl my wing's so it's behind me. I feel my brothers try separating us I growl so loud the cabin shakes. They say "She's ours not just for you and you need to chill the power has gone to your head. This is why Gabriel took it." I feel powerful. I flip my head back and laughed. Slowly looking towards them I hold tighter, blood dripping down. My eyes glow brighter and the red starts moving. And I'm high. I see my brothers gulp as I levitate.

"What no trying to get her?" I asked.

"Please let her go Ash she's having a panic attack." They begged. I caved letting her go knowing my brothers have her. I take off to hunt.

Damien's Pov

I caught her before she hit the floor. Asshole!

"Winter breathe don't leave us!" I yell, moving to the couch and sit down, laying her a crossed us. Gabriel still down. I rub my hands down her hair, Anarchy rubs her face. Demon rubs her arm. Gage just putts his hand on her belly. Sky rubs her thigh, Scar rubs her lower leg. I feel her stop breathing.

"Fuck!" We all scream. Her heart is still beating. But that won't last long.

"Winter breathe Babygirl please. Just breath" I plead. We start shaking her. We can't turn her without Ash. I start crying. I lift her and whisper in her ear.

"Please breathe we need you, Babygirl." I say. My voice creaking on the last word. I feel her spring up gasping in air. Sky holds her so she doesn't fall.

Sky's Pov

I hear her gasping in air I feel almost all of her weight, I instantly hold her to my chest rub her back whispers in her ear that everything is all right. Scar rubs her legs. I turn and Damien has his feet up and arms wrapped around them he buried his head. Anarchy is talking to Damien and rubs his back. Demon is leaned on his legs letting his head hang. Gage is leaned back with his arms crossed. Gabriel hasn't moved.

"We are keeping her close to us." I say.

"Agreed" everyone said. I pass her to Demon, and they follow me to the unlocked door we come in and close and lock it. I change into sweatpants no shirt I climb on the foot of the bed. I watch everyone else. Gage at the top Scar laying on the other side of the foot of the bed next to me Anarchy is at the other side of the head of the bed. Demon on one side of her and Damien on the other above me. Both holding her tightly like they're afraid she will disappear. Anarchy is playing with her hair. Scar and I grab each leg and Gage is asleep arms crossed over his chest, foot twitching. Shaking my head wow he's like a puppy. I sleep so deep I'm like the dead nothing can wake up. I lock my hand in place and sleep.

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