Start from the beginning

"I like helping people, but I want to be..."

"Normal." Sam finishes sadly, feeling his own pain resurface from his childhood.

"I don't want to be the freak for once, Dean." Young Sam exclaims towards his older brother. "I want to be normal."

"We-you-better go, Sammy." Dakota's voice pulls him from his thoughts. He sighs and nods, sliding out of the car.

"Why don't you come with me?" He asks, leaning in through the back window. Dakota's eyes widen up at him in shock, she's never been asked to actually go hunting with either Sam or Dean.

"R-really?" She stutters, a smile crossing her mouth before it falls away sadly. "Daddy wouldn't like that."

"Yeah, well, Dean's not here." Sam says, grinning. "Besides you need at least one hunt under your belt before you go to school."

"School!?" She straightens, her face lighting up like it's Christmas. She smiles widely at her uncle, her eyes gleaming brightly with excitement.

"I'm not promising anything, but I will talk to Dean. Persuade him." Sam shrugs like it was nothing, but to Dakota it was everything.

"Let's go!" She nearly shouts, pushing Sam's head out of the window and opening the door.

Sam pulls something out of his back pocket and hands it to Dakota, she looks at it in confusion before she realizes what it is. She presses a small button on the side of it, a silver blade springs out in greeting.

"Stay behind me, and keep that with you." He says, grabbing her free hand gently and pulling her into the theater with him.

Loud music fills the theater, creeping Dakota out while confusing Sam. He drops Dakota's hand when he reaches the stairs, pulling out his gun from the waistband of his jeans. He loads it and gives Dakota a pointed look, silently telling her to stay behind him. Sam shakes his head at himself and slips his gun back into his jeans.

She nods at him once, her face growing determined as she holds the knife ready. It was the only weapon she knew how to use, and that was only because Bobby wanted her to be prepared in case the boys weren't around.

They walk towards where the music is coming from, Dakota one step behind Sam, peering out his legs. She notices a large shadow on the wall of someone playing an organ piano.

Sam pulls back a curtain to the backstage where the person is playing. He slowly walks out, holding the heavy curtain back for Dakota to rush through behind him.

The man playing the organ suddenly reaches over and turns on a different genre of music, before returning to his instrument. Sam approaches the man silently, reaching out but the man suddenly turns. He shouts in surprise, startling a yelp out of Dakota at the sudden movement.

Sam presses a hand on the man, Ed Brewer's, collarbone to keep him in place. He pulls out his gun and trains it on Ed, while Dakota shifts behind him to stay out of sight for the time being.

"You, FBI man--what did I--"

"Shut up, okay, you know what you did." Sam interrupts, his voice loud and stern-scaring Ed.

"What?" Ed questions in confusions, his whole body trembling in fear.

"I know what you are." Sam smirks.

"I'm not anything. I just like to play the casio." Ed defends himself, Dakota's face turns confused at his words. She was sure that he was playing an organ, that's what it sounded like.

"Had time to grow the ear back, huh?" Sam asks, ignoring his words.

"What?!" Ed shouts. Sam abruptly grabs onto Ed's ear and pulls it harshly. "Ow! Ow! Ow!" Ed cries out, grabbing Sam's hand.

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