Chapter Eight

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Given it, Yugyeom got used to living in the castle for the past months he'd been there and benging treated like he was some royal. But he felt highly guilty whenever he kept thinking about how Jackson gave him so much but didn't expect anything in return. So it led to Yugyeom deciding on something mentally, going up to Jinyoung, Jackson's friend,

"I want to do something for Jackson, but i don't know what to do.. nor what he likes."

"Oh? Well, there's many things i can list. Your smile, your laugh, you in general, how you cling to him when you laugh, when you two go out to that field, when you talk about things you love to do."

Jinyoung began to list, Yugyeom getting flustered and squeaking,

"No! No, no not like that. But like.. something to thank him for doing so much for me and not really expecting anything in return."

Jinyoung looked at the taller boy who was fidgeting. He admitted, this was probably the first time the younger even walked up to him without Jackson being around. And the fact he knew to go to him was shocking, since he thought the younger genuinely didn't like him because he was too close to Jackson- although he didn't even have anything remotely close to love in a relationship type of way towards the prince. Yugyeom on the other hand was thinking about what he could do, but his mind kept side-tracking to how much his heart was pounding before it clicked.

"I just.. Wait! I got it thank you!"

Yugyeom suddenly cheered up, exclaiming loudly as he darted off down the hall. Jinyoung smiled to himself, shaking his head before he turned to Bambam, his boyfriend to continue their conversation. Yugyeom rushed through the halls, asking the servants if they'd seen the prince, but they all shook their heads. Yugyeom still ran around until he had searched every bit of the castle with the exceptions of where he wasn't allowed into. His heart dropped, as he frowned trudging his way back down the hall to head to his room. 


Yugyeom looked up, eyes brightening to see the prince walking up from a meeting room. Yugyeom moved, bouncing up to him and clung onto the older yet shorter male,

"Jackson~! Meet me at the sunflower field at sunset, yeah?"

Yugyeom smiled, Jackson confused but nodding. Yugyeom soon rushed off to go to his room and get ready, dressing himself into a simple outfit. Once he was dressed, he bounced out and spotted Bambam,


The butler turned around, only to squeak when he was suddenly being drug,

"Help me prepare my horse please! It's major and i need to beat Jackson to the sunflower field we go to."

Bambam didn't question him any further, probably assuming the younger was manning up and confessing to Jackson finally. They reached the stables, and Bambam helped Yugyeom saddle up the white horse he was given as a welcome gift. Yugyeom smiled brightly,

"Thank you! It's really a blessing to have you in my life, Bammie."

Bambam shrugged, and clapped him on the back,

"Just have fun and don't say the wrong things!"

Yugyeom giggled, before throwing on the cape, putting the hood over his head. He hauled himself onto his horse, and soon he was off to get to the field Yugyeom had told Jackson to go to. Sunset wasn't too far, and Yugyeom hoped he beat Jackson there, a sigh of relief sounding when he did. He got off his horse, allowing it to graze as it stayed near thankfully. He looked at the sky, admiring the colors mingling as the sunset began to set. His attention diverted to a set of hooves hitting the ground, and soft clicking of a tongue.


Yugyeom beamed, Jackson climbing off, and joining the younger,

"What did you need me here for? You aren't being bullied in the castle right?"

"Oh no! I'm fine, i just.. wanted to say this in an area we had many positive moments in."

Yugyeom smiled shyly, Jackson tilting his head. The younger took a moment to gather his courage and words up, before he determinedly looked at the older boy, eyes sparked with so much love and care that mingled with determination,

"Jackson, i do return your feelings. I love you so much it is beyond this world, that i believe my love for you is out of the universe. Nothing can amount up to how much love i feel and if i was offered money that kept me rich for five entire lifetimes to give up my love for you, i'd refuse. Even if it meant the kingdom judging me as a person whom was poor and fell in love with the prince."

Jackson stared at him in shock, listening to Yugyeom pour everything out. Yugyeom ended soon enough, the silence overwhelming the younger boy. Jackson moved though, and reached tugging Yugyeom into a gentle kiss, that made the younger relax and respond to it. Jackson pulled away and smiled,

"You have no clue how long i have waited for you to say that... I love you too, Yugyeom."

Yugyeom smiled, and hugged the shorter boy, Jackson simply beaming with so much happiness. The two could easily just stand there in each others arms with the sunset dimly lighting the area as fireflies awoke and began to buzz around, even if it meant letting the world slip past their fingertips.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2019 ⏰

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