Chapter Two

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Yugyeom wanted to throw something at the door, to scream and cry. But he refrained himself from doing so, reminding himself that the behavior is unacceptable. He breathed out, and sat down on the creaky bed of his, nose scrunched. He was fixing to give up, to sit down and never do anything in his life. He always wished it was him who passed away, than his mother. Then he wouldn't be living this way. Giving a soft sigh of annoyance, he looked around for the book he was reading earlier, fingers curling over it, muttering,

"I wish i could prove her wrong, that im not a weak kid and i can have people who love me."

He sighed out, before jumping when silver glitter puffed in his face, immediately throwing the book at whoever it was. A thud sounded, and the book dropped revealing a males face of annoyance himself,

"Alright, so i come to help you, yet you throw a book at me? Rude."

The male huffed, dusting himself off, Yugyeom squinting,

"Who are you?"

"Someone whose saving your ass. Im Mark Tuan, your fairy god... Father. Godfather."

Mark huffed, before waving a wand type of thing at the door, Yugyeom watching it fly open,

"Let's go shall we?"

Yugyeom stared at him wide eyed, until Mark rolled his eyes, and took his wrist, dragging him out, and downstairs,

"You better leave an hour before the party, or you're gonna get found out."

Mark instructed, Yugyeom nodding immediately. He felt himself being shoved into some carriage thing,

"This carriage will be waiting for you at 11 p.m sharp. Miss it, you'll be walking. Now get your ass to that party."

Yugyeom nodded again, feeling the carriage moving again, his body turning around to look for Mark again, though the male had disappeared into a puff of glitter again. Yugyeom smiled, and turned forward again, his legs bouncing anxiously. He watched buildings go by, and pass by children playing around, or parents just carrying baskets of fruit. He watched the giant blue castle come into view, and slowly get closer and closer.

"Aish, I can't believe this.."

He muttered, and rubbed his face gently. Though he straightened himself after mentally preparing, thanked the driver, and scurried - or well stiffly walked - up to the  entrance. He praised Mark for getting him there in time, looking at the clock to see he had about 3 to 4 hours of having fun. Yugyeom chewed his bottom lip, fiddling with his suits jacket, before moving.

He joined people at the food area, getting himself a drink with a polite smile to other people. He moved down the area, his brown eyes studying the bodies of everyone. He was specifically looking for his "family", spotting the two brothers with a few girls. Their ugly green suits stood out completely, which made Yugyeom cringe. His mother was with a few other older ladies, her own green dress standing out. It was disgusting to him.

Though he saw a brown head, and a angelic smile on a puppy like prince's face. He paused in his steps, admiring how his shoulders went up and down when he laughed, how his eyes crinkled a bit. Jackson Wang, or Prince Jackson was the definition of beauty. Though his mind skyrocketed when he realized the prince looked back at him when someone gestured towards him.

Yugyeom looked down immediately, deciding the red liquid in his cup was more interesting than his existence, wishing how he could be swallowed up in the ground. He jumped when he heard a voice sounding,

"Hello~ My buddy Jinyoung couldn't help but notice that you've been staring at me. What's your name, hm?"

Yugyeom looked up, eyes wide when he saw it was the prince himself. Yugyeom blushed widely since he was caught, reduced to a stuttering mess,

"I-im Yugyeom. K-kim Yugyeom, Prince J-jackson. I apologise to s-staring, i know i seem like a c-creep."

He bowed immediately, Jackson letting out a soft laugh, and reached placing a hand on his arm,

"Why don't you dance with me, Yugyeom? It'll be a great way to talk."

Yugyeom could've fainted right then and there if it wasn't for Jackson leading him to the dance floor already.

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