Chapter Four

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Yugyeom sat back in the carriage, his heart pounding in his chest. The prince really fell in love with him, huh? He shook his head, and watched the castle grow smaller this time, before looking around the empty streets. He'd need to rush into his room, and somehow lock himself in so his step mother didn't get suspicious. Once the carriage stopped, he climbed out and immediateIy darted inside the house, quickly going upstairs and into his room. He heard the door shut, and locks being clicked - to which he was glad that Mark was magical. He got into comfortable clothes and laid on his stomach on his bed, grabbing the book from the table.

He opened it, and set to reading though he couldn't get a certain somebody out of his mind. He frowned, remembering how the prince smiled and laughed, or how he talked. He remembered him being curious in his life, and confessing he had love at first sight. He cursed himself for having a horrible life to the point he had to run from the prince. He gave a soft sigh, setting his book down unable to concentrate. He laid his head down, closing his eyes a bit slipping into a deep sleep.


Jackson on the other hand paced in the now empty ball room, having ended up 30 minutes early due to being upset and unwilling to find anyone else. He wanted Yugyeom specifically, mind always picturing his smile and eyes when he looked at anyone else. He sighed out, before turning to Bambam who worked as a butler in the castle,

"Yes, bambam?"

"Uh.. i found a shoe underneath a table."

The younger stated, holding it up. Jackson snatched it, recognizing the shoe from Yugyeom. He smiled happily when he thought of a way to find Yugyeom.

"Thank you, Bambam! Prepare my horse early in the morning. We will be going out."

Bambam raised his eyebrows in shock. Jackson never woke up early. He gave a nod, and rushed off, leaving a happy prince in the ball room. Jackson held the shoe, looking at the exit, before moving to head to his room,

"I will find you, Yugyeom."

He muttered softly, his heart fluttering at the thought of seeing him again. He just wanted to call him his.



Yugyeom jerked awake, eyes blinking tiredly when he recognized Mark.

"Aish, you didn't have to wake me up."

"Yes i did. Why did you run from Jackson?! He's the prince, he could help you!"

Mark threw his hands in the hair, and looked at the younger boy. Yugyeom sniffed tiredly, sitting up and rubbing his eyes,

"Well, it was almost time for me to go.. I had to, Mark. Plus he wouldn't believe me.."

He muttered, though Mark facepalmed, literally.

"Jackson believes everyone Yugyeom. You're such an idiot."

Mark groaned, making Yugyeom just shake his head slightly. He didn't want to burden Jackson, and if he did, he'd regret it. He was just a commoner compared to Jackson, highly believing Jackson should find a better person. The taller sighed, and just looked at his lap. He did miss him but he couldn't just waltz into the castle. He wasn't going to show himself anyways.

Yugyeom breathed in, making a silent vow to stay away from Jackson until the prince finds someone else.

Enchanting ° JackyeomOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora