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I WAKE UP FROM THE BOYS' HARMONIZING SONGS DOWNSTAIRS, as I heard Logan at the same time. I get out of the bed as I do my morning routine, when I get down. Logan is vlogging with the boys as Jonah look at me. "Look who decided to show up." He said then the boys look at me including Logan with his vlog camera.

"What's poppin', Pat!" Logan greet me. "What's poppin with you too, Logan." I smile. I don't want to leave the house today, I don't know why. I go to the fridge and look for food 'cause I'm hungry. Yes, I always am. I see Jack walking towards me. "Good morning?" I say "Good afternoon to you too." He hug me from the back causing me to close the fridge. "Do you wanna hang out?" He asked. "Maybe. I'm not just in the mood right now, and I have no idea why." I say. He broke the hug as I open the fridge again.

"You know, we ordered pizza a while ago." Pizza?! I've been craving for that for months! "WHERE IS IT, JACK?!" I say as he laugh. "In the living room. Come get it before Zach does." as he left. I run back to the living room as Daniel and Zach are getting one. Once I get to the table, I quickly grab two pizzas. "Hold on, woman. You ain't eating two pizzas in a row." Corbyn say. "Well, men. You ain't smashin' Christina unless you have my permission." I stick my tongue out and his face is red.

After I ate, I go outisde where the backyard is. A beautiful view to think beautiful things. "Patrisha?" I turn around. "What do you want, Zach?" I worriedly said. I don't know what's gonna happen but something tells me that this is gonna end bad. "I just want to talk, that's all." He say and I slowly nod. We went to sit down to the chairs near the backyard's door. Since it's closed, I think were good. But they see us through inside cause the wall is like, a mirror or something.

"What do you want to talk about?" I start the conversation. "First off, I'm sorry for everything. I really mean it. It's just that-" "It's just what, Zach?! Do you think all those years, I forgot you? Do you think that I'm just gonna forget everything we've done before I meet you again? All my life, I've been thinking about you, Zach. I did." I look up trying to let the tears go inside my eyes and I know it won't but at least worth of try. "Look, I already said sorry." I look at his eyes. Worried eyes. "Sorry doesn't change anything, Zach. You promised to me when we were kids that even if one of us is far away. We'll remember each other, but you didn't."

"I did!" He stand up causing me to stand up too as the boys to look at us from inside. Jack on the other hand is looking worried. "Really?! You just remembered when Momma introduced me to you again for almost ten years!" I feel my heart, it's not beating normal, I want water. He didn't answer. "I loved you since we were little, did you know that? I guess you didn't, because you let me go and moved on!" I sat down the chair with my hand on my chest as I feel my heart slowly beating.

"I loved you.." I frown and look down. My lungs were starting to shrink down, I was having a hard time inhaling oxygen. "I really did." I cry as I stand up and go inside. He try to stop me, but I didn't want to. I went to hug Jack. "Are you alright?" I can hear Jack said. My hands are still in my chest, and every time I blink I get to see six people. "Boys, she doesn't feel good." I hear Logan. My head spins around and all I see are the boys looking so worried as I went down and Jack did the same. The boys are now kneeled down calming me down. "Stay with us, P. Don't close your eyes." I think Jonah said. My visions started to blur, as every voice I hear inside this room seemed too abnormal for my ears, then suddenly it became loud and low for all the voice I heard. I take a deep breath, as for my eyes, the darkness almost take over.


I hear beeps and people from outside. Am I in the hospital again? Why? I'm not sick at all. I hear a guitar playing inside this room, I open my eyes to see my boys and Logan including Jake Paul gathered around and Jack playing the guitar. The song that they were playing is familiar, I might've heard it somewhere.

Little do you know,
How I'm breaking while you fall asleep.
Little do you know,
I'm still haunted by the memories.
Little do you know,
I'm trying to pick myself up piece by piece.
Little do you know,
I need a little more time.

Zach and I wrote that song. Why would they sing it? Like literally, why?

Underneath it all
I'm held captive by the hole inside,
I've been holding back,
For the fear that you might change your mind.
I'm ready to forgive you but forgetting, is a harder fight.
Little do you know,
I need a little more time.

Jack singing the girl part is amazing. I admit it.

I'll wait, I'll wait
I love you like you've never felt the pain
I'll wait
I promise you don't have to be afraid
I'll wait
The love is here and here to stay
So lay your head on me

Daniel! Wow. They should cover this song. Well, this song isn't published anyway but.. I don't know. "Zach, it's your turn." Corbyn said. Wait, what?

Little do you know
I know you're hurting while I'm sound asleep
Little do you know
All my mistakes are slowly drowning me
Little do you know
I'm trying to make it better piece by piece
Little do you know I-
I love you 'til the sun dies

"Zach.." I mumbled. I didn't know what to say. My tears are flowing down my face as my heart hurts again. "She's awake guys." Corbyn said as the boys look at me. They walk  towards my bed and surround me. "I'm so sorry, Patrisha. I really am." I heard Zach, although he's at the back of the boys. I remember how Zach wanted to talk to me and saying sorry. I remember how I hug Jack before everything went black.

"Are you okay now?" Jake said. "Maybe." I answered. A lady who looks somehow in the age of Jake come inside the room. "Hi, I'm Precy. I'm your nurse. I'm glad that you already woke up." She smile. "Why? How long was I out?" I look at everyone and they didn't answer. "Almost a week. I guess the boys talk to you." She said. "Actually, I hear guitar playing and open my eyes to see bunch of my favourite people singing my song." I smile.

"Well, it's still good. But I have to warn you. You can't have extreme emotions, okay?" I nod. How, why, what? Everyone sit down on the couch while Precy call the doctor. When she come back, she's with the doctor and holding papers. "Good afternoon, boys and Patrisha, I'm Dr. William. I have good news and bad news." Dr. William said. I'm nervous. I don't know why. "What's the good news?" Jack said "She's free to go." "And the bad?" Corbyn said. "She has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy." My eyes grow wide when he said that.

"What?!" The boys said in chorus while Logan and Jake are really shocked. "What's that supposed to mean?" Jonah said "Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a primary disease of the myocardium in which a portion of the myocardium is without any obvious cause, creating functional impairment of the cardiac muscle." What the fuck will happen to me then?
"Also, the occurrence of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a significant cause of sudden unexpected cardiac death in any age group and as a cause of disabling cardiac symptoms." He finally said. I'm going to die.

"Can it be cured?" Zach asked, sadly Dr. William shook his head 'no'. "But there's a possibility, if she drinks the medication needed." We all nod.

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