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DID I TOLD YOU THAT THERE'S A MEET AND GREET? Well, technically every concert have one. After the show, VIPs and others has a chance to see and talk to Why Don't We, and I am very lucky that I am one of the people who will meet them. We went to this room, that we all don't know and we're like, waiting for like ten minutes. I understand to wait, but I don't know to the people around me, understands.

The girl that I saw earlier, who shoved her face to my phone, was about to leave when Why Don't We come to the room. "Hi, everyone!" Daniel said making the girls more excited than I do. They let us leave the room without the boys and make a line so that we can have the nice meet and greet.

I wait until it's my turn, 'cause I'm the last one who fall in line, so.. Not so lucky to get home early. Besides, it's just an opportunity to be last. Because I know some of the girls here right now, wants my position so that they can have the boys, but the thing is, we only have like three or five minutes with the boys inside.

"Hey guys. The concert is finished but I remember that I have a meet and greet with the boys, so-" "Oh, my gosh! It's Patty!" I face my phone to them, so that I can put them in my vlog as I look at the line as some of the girls notice me. Oh, well. I didn't even know the girls would notice me, I mean... you know? I don't have that enough fans in social medias, but I didn't expect this.

"Hey guys! How's it going? Did ya'll love the show?" They all nodded as I stop my vlog there. I might do a video with the boys too, well.. Since we only have three to five minutes with the boys, so why not make video with them? "Patty, how's life?" I look at my left, it's the gal again. "Pretty much hetic. 'Cause I have to do double life, but I'm still good." It is hard to live a double life, where you are a student, but then you have another life, like you live as a vlogger or youtuber where this another life is hid that no one should know.

I find it kinda hard to live that double life, but this is me. This is what I am. So, I'm living the life. "You got a boyfriend?" She ask. I don't want to tell them, 'cause I want them to respect my privacy, but asking me in person.. It doesn't sound good. It's like, you're a stalker that you want to go deeper but then all you hear was a lie, because the person you're asking is hiding the truth and doesn't want anyone to know.

After that weirdly conversation with her, she is next in line to be with the boys. Oh, boy. Why am I nervous? I never get nervous, especially in meet and greets. Maybe it's just my first time to see the Why Don't We boys in person, probably. "You're next. You have ten minutes." The bodyguard said

Wait, what?! Ten minutes?! I enter the room as the girl leaves. "Have fun with the boys, Patty!" She said with a smile on her face. Okay, I didn't know this is going to be weird as I walk in. "Hi!" Corbyn said who's sitting in the couch with Daniel while waving his hand.

"How many minutes?" Jonah asked as I shake my head and answer him, "Ten." His eyes grew wide. "Boys, let's talk to her. We have ten minutes." Jack said. I look around and there is no Zach, where is he? He's not gonna scare me is he? "Hello. I'm --" "Patty." I turn around and saw Zach with a smile on his face.

"Sorry, but that's my youtube name. My real name is Patrisha." I smile. "What do you want us to do? Sing you a song? Write a message? Anything?" Daniel said. I couldn't think straight but I remember that I might put them in the video. "Uhm, you guys want to be in my vlog?" The boys' faces lit up like Logan doesn't vlog them.

"V-Vlog? As in youtube vlog?" Zach said as I nod. "Haven't been in a vlog since we left Logan." Jack said "You were with him today." I think Logan didn't vlog them today, because of something. I dunno. "Yeah, it just happens that he didn't bring his vlog camera." I nod.

Well, time to vlog with the boys then. "So, what content should we do? We need content bro." I said as they all look at each other. "How about Boyfriend tag?" "Makeup Voiceover?" "Jack skating reaction?" "Bestfriend tag?" They all wanted to do those things, but it can't last for ten minutes. I'm also thinking so hard. "How about just us six in the couch, talking about tonight's concert? Like, one of us will ask a question and you will answer it?" Zach is the youngest and I'll admit, even though he's the drop out one in the band, he's the smart one.

"I like that." I said as we set my phone to their table as we all set ourselves in the couch. "Hey guys, as I said I am going to have the meet and greet, and here I am! Where the hell are those boys, aye?" I pretend to look around as if I'm really looking for them, but they're just at the sides, where the camera can't see them. "Were right here!" Corbyn shout as they all gathered and almost squish me to the center of the couch, well, except for Jonah. He sit at the back.

"So, today, the Why Don't We boys will ask a bunch of questions of what really happened to tonight's concert, which it was like an hour ago or so." I look left to right, to see who will ask first. "So, uhm, how was it like, to be in a Why Don't We concert?" Daniel questioned "It's fun. It's like, I'm experiencing this for the very first time, but it's not. 'Cause I've been to a concert before, so uhm. It's nice to be in a concert again, and I've missed it." I smile.

The boys got tons of questions, they never stop questioning me. As if it's an interview. Zach on the other hand who is sitting beside Jack on my left, didn't question anything. "Zach, what's your question for her bro?" Jack said "I-I uh.." Is he nervous or something? I don't know. "How was the surprise that we got for ya'll limelights?" He finally questioned.

I thought his question is gonna be hard than I thought, but it wasn't. Hahaha. "Actually, for me. It wasn't a surprise but I think to the others think it is, but it's amazing. But, you haven't sing those singles in a while, right?" They all nod. "It's just that, we do sing our music, but not the way like, we get to do like singing our debut singles as a solo artists, and just happens that today, we kind of like, planned to surprise you all, like, 'hey guys, why don't we surprise them? Like singing our own songs, you know when we were solo artists.' and they all agreed." Jonah said

"Yeah, so uhm. That's it for today's vlog! Hope ya'll loved it as much as I do! It's been fun to with these boys, and I love them. I'll see ya'll on the next video! Bye!" I wave my hand as one of the bodyguards stop the phone recording. "You have two minutes left." as they walk away. "So, uhm thanks guys. I have fun recording a vlog with you and also for the concert." I stand up as they all begin to do the same.

"You're welcome. Do you live here, by any chance?" Zach said as Corbyn look at him with curious face. "No, I live in Dallas, Texas with my grandparents, and my parents are in United Kingdom, but I do live now in Los Angeles." I said as one by one hug me. "Like everyone says, the home of Youtubers." Jack said as we all laugh, I can't believe I just said Dallas, Texas. I mean, I left Dallas to persue my dreams to be a Youtuber or a singer, but I left him. My bestfriend. "It's actually nice to meet you, Patrisha." Zach breaking our laugh and I just smile. "and thank you for the meet and greet. I have fun." I hug them all one by one and said my goodbye.

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