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WHEN I FOUND OUT ABOUT ZACH AND PATRISHA'S RELATIONSHIP, I couldn't handle myself to talk with Zach about this. I went to his room after we all talk, I left the others with Patrisha to have fun. I was about to knock on his door when I hear him. Singing. It's not one of our songs either.

Baby I, I wanna know
What you think, when you're alone.
Is it me, yeah?
Are you thinking of me, yeah? Oh.
We've been friends, not for a while.
I wanna know, but when you smile, is it me yeah? Are you thinking of me, yeah? Oh, oh.

Girl, what would you do?
Would you wanna stay?
If I would say.

I wanna be last, yeah. Baby, let me be your, let me be your last first kiss,
I wanna be first, yeah.
Wanna be the first time take it all the way like this and if yo-o-ou, only yo-o-ou,
I wanna be last yeah,
Baby, let me be your last,
your last first kiss.

Zach singing a song. I can't believe it. I was about to knock when he open the door. "Um, hi?" He say. "Hi, Zach." This is freaking awkward. "What are you doing here?" Think Corbyn. Think! "Uhm, I- I was day dreaming here about space when you opened the door, so uhm yeah." Is that what you got, Corbyn? Ugh. "O-okay?" He say. "So, uhm. It's been two weeks since you opened your door. Is everything alright?"

"Uhm, yeah. I was just- you know. About to go out somewhere. You want to come?" Yes! Maybe I can sneak inside his room and probably steal his song book. Lol. Like he has. Or also get Pat's song book too. I've seen her singing too. "No, I'm just gonna be here with all of them." He nod as he close his door and left. I go to Patrisha's room and get her song book as I also get Zach's, when I get the two, I lock myself in my room. I look at their writings, the songs. Some of them are answers and questions to each other.

You Belong With Me


Made In the USA

Last First Kiss


Shoutout To My Ex


I Did Something Bad



Woman Like Me

Trust Fund Baby

Into You

In Too Deep

One Last Time


Come Back.. Be Here

On My Way

About The Boy

Why Don't We Just


Me & My Girls


Leave My Heart Out of This


Rock Bottom

8 Letters

Secret Love Song

Words I Didn't Say

Love Me or Leave Me

Wow. They wrote tons of songs. What catches me the most are Talk, Rock Bottom, 8 Letters and Secret Love Song. It's their actual situation right now. I hide the songbooks in my drawer as I go downstairs. Jack's with Jonah and Patrisha while Daniel's at the backyard. Zach's probably somewhere though.

I look at three in the couch, Patrisha's asleep on Jack's lap. "Did she have a great time?" The two nod. "Jonah, why don't you put her on her bed?" I say as he nod and carry her in bridal style as they went upstairs. "Corbyn." I look at Jack who stares at the floor. "What's the problem, Jack?" I sit down where Patrisha's seat was as I look at him. He seems worried and sad. "She tried to kill herself two weeks ago at Dallas. I couldn't tell you, because I don't want you to--" "Hey, hey. What happened in Dallas, is the past. I'm thankful you got her than not." I say.

"Zach's being a whinny little bitch." He said. I'm shock by his words. I couldn't believe he would say that to his bestfriend. "How so?" He look at me and back to the floor. "She said he left her and his family outside their house without a reason at all, and as always, she took the blame. Zach booked a flight to get back here, while she, trying to kill herself. Don't you see, Corbyn? He doesn't care if his bestfriend died! He's trying his best to forget her for good!"

Jack cry. Never in my life would see Jack cry, but here. He look at me as he wipe his tears away. "Corbyn, promise me one thing." The hell, a promise? Seriously? "Okay." I nod. "Promise me, that she'll be better. With or without Zach." He said. I hope she will though. "Promise." We both smile as we heard a scream from the upstairs. "Patrisha." We both said as we get up and go upstairs, when we did. Jonah's standing near her bed and Daniel on the other hand, trying to wake her up.

"Nightmares again." Jack whispered. If Zach didn't leave her alone in Dallas or got angry, would she have a peaceful sleep? Probably. "No! Stay away from me, Zach! No!" Patrisha talked. Zach? Why would Zach be in her dreams? Why? I look at Jonah who's giving me a frighten look. Jack and I went inside as I sit at the edge of the bed and tapping her legs to wake up. "Patrisha, it's us. Don't worry. Zach's not here." I keep on saying that. When she wake up, she sit as look at the four of us. Jack come near Jonah as she hug Jack and cry.

"I can't stand him being angry, Jack. I can't." She say. Daniel look worried as hell. Like he didn't know what's going on, even though he knows. "Want us to talk to Zach?' Jack say as she nod. "Jonah.." She break the hug as she look at Jonah. "I can't stop the pain. It hurts." She say. "What hurt, sweetheart?" I swear to Logan, Jonah's one of the sweetest guy I know. "Here." She pointed at her heart as Jonah just give her a hug.

"It will stop soon, don't worry." He smile. After the hug, she look at me. "Thank you for being there for me." she smile as we hug her. "No problem, love. We'll always be here for you no matter what." I said.

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