Chapter Three

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<Sam's POV> (This part was written by alltheshadesofblue)

I swear as my grip slips.

The climbing wall is slippery- I can barely hold onto it. Some fool iced it, and I've nearly fallen to my death twice now.

"Styx," I mutter under my breath (not for the first time, either).

Then I scream at the top of my lungs as my other hand slips; I am now holding on by two fingers.

I'm praying for someone, anyone to help me. Just when I think I'm going to plummet to my death, two things happen.

1. My grip starts to slip, and

2. Something grabs onto my ankle.

I am not pleased to admit that I scream like an Aphrodite.

"Hey, calm down," someone says. "Just grab that rock up there, and put your foot... here."

I see said rock and grab for it.

"Okay, good job," the voice says. I decide they're probably a boy. "Now put this foot there."

My foot is lifted onto a rock and I push up, searching for another handhold.

"Ow. My face."

I realize said rock isn't a rock after all, but a human face. (At least, I hope they're human.)

"Sorry," I mutter.

"No, you're not," they correct me.

"Travis?" I ask. "Is that you? Or Connor?"


"Oh," I say. "No, you're not them. If you were, you wouldn't be helping me."

"They don't sound very nice," he remarks.

"Oh, they are. Hey, look, the top!" I stick my hand over the edge and haul myself up.

"You have a very long attention span," he mutters as he scrambles up.

"I'm ADHD," I remind him. "You?"

"Nope," he says. "Just ADD."

He stares at me, taking me in. I fidget, self conscious. (that's weird. Usually I'm pretty brave.) I wonder what he thinks of my dark brown hair, my eyes- a mixture of green and brown- my olive skin.

Then I really notice him. He has white hair- literally, white. It brings out the grey in his bluish eyes, and makes his pale skin chalky.

He's not wearing an orange Camp Half- Blood shirt like I am, but rather a pale blue hoodie. A rim of purple shows at the bottom edge. His jeans are a few shades darker than mine, and they're loose. Maybe borrowed.

His low voice snaps me out of my trance. "I'm Bane," he says., offering me a hand.

"Sam," I reply. I take his hand and shake it. His skin is cold. "Thanks for the help."

I'm suddenly shy. I'm not sure why, though. Maybe the fact that I've never been alone with a guy before. Well, sure, I've been alone with Peter- my twin- but he doesn't count. He's family.

"You're welcome," Bane says reminding me that he's still there.

There's an awkward pause. Then I say, "Where're you from?"

He freezes.

"Are you a new camper? Do you live around here?"

His jaw is tight. He turns around so he's looking over the edge.

Maybe I was a little intrusive. "Sorry," I say softly.

He doesn't move.

I reach out a hand, and gently pat him on the shoulder. He's tense.

Bane looks back over his shoulder for a minute. "Bye, Sam," he says.

And he jumps off the edge.

Chapter three: done.

I'll try to update either every day or every other day.

Thx for reading,


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