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In the underground rooms of the villa, we began our preparations for the manifestation ritual. The wide dark room is filled with a dense air, cold and humid, a strong smell of damp stone, and I can even see the steam from my breath.

I draw the magic circle with great care, taking more than an hour, revising and correcting it where necessary. My skin is covered with a thin layer of sweat.

I've trained enough in order to manifest the Lightning Scepter in perfect conditions. The training in Vadena made my body a little more resistant, so it's not too exhausting later, or so I hope.

It's time to say the spell lines. This time, I act as the proxy to make the atavic energy accept Luciana as an Atavic Master, or at least make her able to pass the portal. I gesture Luciana to move to the center of the magic circle. She obeys and goes inside, positioning herself silently and with caution. There is a smaller circle in the center, that I've drawn so that the energy can travel in an enveloping movement. I verify that she is located in the correct position, and then I recite the lines:

"Blood, silver and quartz in the magic circle. Garnet for the protection of the Goddess of invocations. If it is your will, oh, Goddess, that this almighty weapon take possession of the pure magic of this warrior, guide her through the black portal of the infinite worlds, and fulfill your will."

Little by little, I begin to feel the magical energy moving and readjusting within me. There is no scepter to hold, then this will consume all my magical energy.

The energy begins to move outward, invading me and the room.

I continue with calm concentration, closing my eyes. I let myself go. From this point forward, I lose awareness of my own self, and my decisions follow only the instincts of my atavic power, like a soul devoid of reason; a mass of instinct feeding on the energy in the room. I should feel Luciana's circuits in a very short time, and her energy should mix with mine.

I hear it little by little, the symbols of the magic circle begin to activate and my skin, feeling distant, is somehow able to feel the wind that rises, seeking its own direction.

The symbols begin to move, capturing my energy. From the symbols begins to reverberate a dim light that grows little by little, a sign that the circle is taking possession of my power.

I feel the moment to open my eyes. Luciana has her eyes closed, and the circle that I have drawn in the center begins to surround her with the power, which used to be mine. Her feet begin to rise from the ground, and she has lost consciousnes. If she continues to float, it means that the atavistic energy is accepting her.

"Manifest yourself!"

What I see happening next is the most beautiful illusion I have seen in my life. Her body is forming, invoking the secret, revealing it to my eyes.

The magical goddess has accepted her, and not only do I see her true form come alive, I also discover the secret that was told to me in dreams. Its wings growing and opening in front of me. She also... is wearing a platinum armor?

The sight is too splendid to contemplate without feeling chills, and among the bright tears, I can see the perfection of its creation.

The angel that I saw in my dreams has come alive in Luciana, the angel in platinum armor that descended like a shooting star and hid something in her chest. The beautiful armor shines, reflecting the light of the circle.

The angel who followed an instinct and came alive again.

Rosier, from the Legion of Angels, who shielded the Goddess.

Is that the true identity of Luciana's soul?

The pain of the energy spill begins to burn in my veins, but it won't end until it's complete.

With eyes closed, in the deepest of dreams, the angel in front of me opens its wings, so that I can see her full splendor.

I can't help but kneel and laugh with tears in my eyes, as if I were listening to a charming symphony. It's truly, the most beautiful sight.

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