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Usually, I'm able to feel demon presence in a 50-meter radius, more or less. But, since I must use Atavic energy in order to adapt the Lightning Scepter inside of me at this moment, this ability will be distorted for some time, so it's possible that my ability doesn't cover more than 30 kilometers.

I was counting on this ability to help us get some advantage over the enemy, but now I realize I can't trust it entirely. Even though I can feel demons approaching the villa, I can't calculate their exact distance. As for Luciana, however, that I can feel them completely is more than enough.

I haven't asked whether is there a weapon that she masters in particular or not, but she hasn't objected to my words when I say that she's going to fight using double swords. After all, she must know diverse combat techniques, otherwise she wouldn't even be stepping on Einsiedel land.

"That's my favorite weapon," I say. "Surprise me."

"I will."

Her attitude is one complete confidence, and after a firm and decisive nod, she leaves with her handmaid to prepare herself.

For my part, I order my handmaid to prepare my crystal ball, which she quickly installs in the studio. It's the only way I can watch Luciana without me being on the battlefield and then putting myself in danger. This crystal ball is as old as our family, from the times when the Einsiedel began studying Clairvoyance. When I look at its small wrought-iron cradle that resembles branches and leaves, I can feel its antiquity, and I feel comfortable and at ease.

Luciana comes back to the studio. This time she is wearing a full Kevlar battle suit, covered with protective dark-blue tinted steel with silver aesthetic details. Despite these characteristics, it is light, comfortable and safe, and it gives Luciana a noble and solemn aspect, which I can't help but notice for myself. The only vulnerable part of her body are her eyes, which shine brightly. When I see her dressed in this dark blue suit, I realize that the color of her eyes is rather an intense turquoise, and that together with her thick eyelashes like those of a small child, a pleasant contrast is created.

She doesn't take her eyes off mine as she approaches the table where I have my things prepared. With her helmet under her arm, I notice that she moves in the same assertive and rigorous manner as the night before.

"Master, I'm ready," she announces, putting the helmet on the edge of the table and laying a hand on its glowing surface.

"I'll be watching you. As soon as you have problems, I'll be—"

"That won't be necessary," she cuts me off, with a sort of dismissive wave of her hand.

Despite her confidence, I glare at her, slightly infuriated.

"That's for me to decide."

"I'll show you how lucky you are, Master."

With a sigh, I take a look through the window at the snow falling outside. At least the leaves of the trees will act as a net so that the snow is not so intense at the deepest part of the forest, I think, but I'm not sure if this should pose a relieving idea for me or not.

"Any particular suggestions?" She asks.

"Don't let yourself be manipulated. You will only obey me. And whatever the enemy tries, make sure you draw your sword first. If you don't do it, I think you know what's going to happen to you. I don't want you to doubt, I don't want you to negotiate, I want you to kill, understood?"

"You're aggressive, Master. I will bring you victory."

Immediately, Luciana leaves the room in the same confident way she walked in.

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