Chapter 8: Severe Pain

Start from the beginning

Yes, I already want to get rest but it changed when I met her.

It changed when I met my Jennie Kim...

"Lis, I'll be right back. I'm just going somewhere" I feel my mom's lips touched my forehead then after that, I heard the door shut.

When I'm already alone, I quickly get up from my bed and checked my phone that is placed right beside the table.

I quickly open the messages.

From: Bestfriend Chipmunk 🐿️

Hey!! I'm here on your home. Where are you???
Received: 5:00 pm

I'm still waiting here? Plss reply asap!
Received: 5:30 pm

Lis? Plss reply!!!
Received: 5:40 pm

I have something to tell you. Wherever you are right now plss came home now. This is so unbelievable. I can't wait anymore to tell it to you, PRANPI!!!!
Received: 6:00 pm

Fine!! It seems like you're not coming home today, I'll just tell it tomorrow. Ready yourself, you will be surprised!

Received: 7:00 pm

I cried when I read her messages. I will definitely missed having conversations with Rose, my bestfriend if ever I already leaved her. Though, I'm already dead and lifeless lying in my coffin that time, I'm sure I will definitely missed our bondings, our memories, our non sense talks and... And... And ok fine I'd admit including her, I will really missed her.

Don't worry Rose, I will always visit you as a ghost.

I laughed from that thought but at the same time I'm serious about this. If ever I have a chance to become a ghost after death well, I won't hesitate to visit my bestfriend first and showed myself to her to kill my boredom as a lifeless body.

From: Jongina (KAIsin) 😶

Wish me luck, Lis. I'm with Jennie right now having our practice for dance competition. I'm so nervous with her 😭😭😭
Received: 3:00 pm

My eyebrows get squinted after reading this. These words made me feel that I want someone to die before me or to punch someone's face until his face is already not recognize because of the bruises and wounds he received. I'm not telling that it is Kai I'm referring for but it's so closed to that.

For Pete's sake, I'm so jealous with him because he can have Jennie in his side all the time!!!

I continue to read his next message.

Lis are you fine right now? My mom told me everything about what happened to you? What are you doing right now? Did you already eat your food? I will visit you in the hospital later after classes.

You can do that, Lis!!! Just don't lose hope and always remember my handsome face hehehe 😂 Just kidding 😭 Fighting cous! God always love you, including the person you're always texting with and of course, me! 😘 👉💪
Received: 5:00 pm

Ok fine! Maybe at first we're not really in good terms but I can't deny the fact that I will miss him also. Although we're always quarrelling at each other but we always end up helping each other in the times we are in need.

I know Kai really loves me even he's not really showy but he is. I proved that when I'm still on my 6th grade. There's a time I broke the base in our teachers room and in our school there's always a punishment for your wrong mistake. When our teacher ask who's that person, I'm really surprised when Kai accepted this as his mistake. I should be the one who get punished that time but because Kai already admitted it, he's the one who get punished.

I ask him why he did this after that but Kai reasoned me that he just do it because his mom told him to protect me but I know to myself that he has another reason.

He really loves me like his sister. He was just shy to admit it because we mark in our mind that we are enemies that time. But I know he really cares for me in spite of that.

I read the other messages and my hand hastily stopped when I saw the text from the person I really liked.

From: Jennie Kim

You didn't reply anymore?
Received: 2:00 pm

My class was so boring. I wish you are here. 😴 I want to talk with you 😙
Received: 2:20 pm

Received: 2:25 pm

Are you busy?
Received: 2:30 pm

Prans! Prans! Prans!
Received: 2:32 pm

You didn't have load? Wait, I can give you just plss reply ok? 😊
Received: 2:38 pm

Hey? Do you receive it?
Received: 2:40 pm

Plss reply atleast dot 😒
Received: 2:50 pm

Hey I'm still waiting for you 😔
Received: 2:55 pm

Tsssk! Bye! 😒 My partner for dance competition was already here 😡
Received: 2:59 pm

I miss you 🤧
Received: 3:00 pm

That's her last text with me then after that I didn't received any of it anymore.

I really wanted to reply back but it only hurts me. It only hurts me knowing the fact that I'm already dying.

My times with her are already counted and sooner or later, I know I will leave her and I don't want it to happen. But I don't have choice too.

There's no chance of us anymore, maybe we're not really for each other. Fate just let us meet but we're really not meant to be.

It's hard to accept but that's the reality of my life. Maybe, I was just born to be someone's memory.

Just like the first love of the protagonist in movies where in the end, told by his or her grandchildren. Getting remembered how great his first love is, but when the children already ask about me, the protagonist can't answer because simply, we didn't end up each other or the best reason is I'm already dead.

Just like that... And it's kinda sad... So sad! But I can't do anything about it because it's my fate.

A/N: So that's the start of my boring updates. I'm doing this chapter while having my work immersion in the office lately, hahaha I'm so brave from doing that. Luckily, this day my boss didn't give me loads of work so I take this opportunity to write a new update. Thanks God my boss didn't accosted me from just using my cellphone all day long on her office 😌😌

If you think this chapter is a kind of confusing well, I'm sorry because as what I have said lately, I'm doing my work immersion or O.J.T while writing this so I didn't have any time anymore to reread it so just stick with this.

Guys share kulang din nakita ko kasi sa Instagram post ni Kai na nasa SM sya as in Henry Sy. Curious lang ako, ano kaya yun branch lang or sa Pinas talaga? Check nyo guys sa post nya. Share ko lang hahaha 😄😄😄


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