Chapter 32: Enemy at The Gates

Start from the beginning

"Ahh, Jesse! it's very nice for you to come! the Nazis were within 250 meters. Arrange your people's troops in a defensive position behind these sack!" John told me while gesturing to the sacks filled with sands. I nodded then i turned to my Militants

"You heard him! Everyone to the defense position!" I shouted as everyone scattered and ducked themselves behind the sandbag

"All right everyone! Fire when they were within our range but wait for my signal" I instructed my group. They nodded in understanding as we readied our guns as we wait for the Germans to come.  After a couple of minutes, the Germans has arrived. there's a hundred thousand of them with their war machines. I looked at John who's using an AR aimed at the enemy and ready to fire

"Ready?" He asked. I took a Deep breath as i nodded and replied "Ready!"

"Open Fire!" We both shouted as we begin firing at the Enemy. The other Groups had already fired at the Enemy troops too. There's a thousand hundreds of em'. We're only about a thousand strong. But it doesn't matter. We have our beliefs and self confident. We have to defend our Town!

"Eindringen! Zerstöre das Tor!" A of the German soldiers shouted. The Germans, they're swarming like a pack of bees chasing someone who disturbed them in their nest. They're attacking using their numbers and strengths. Oh are you kidding me!? There's way too many of them

"Keep em' coming!" I heard Conrad shouted elsewhere from his own positioning. I fired and kill one by one of those Germans who tried to get to the gate. I saw one of the British soldier threw a grenade at the enemy and killed three of them. Wow that's a nice a throww

"Don't let them break through the Gate!" I shouted to my group. My Group were not a good shooter but we killed several of them. The Germans just keep coming in large numbers with their war machine. they intended to break through the town's gate. I looked at Jack, Petra, and Nurm. They looked fine with their weapons. I looked back again at the front, Now it is either filled with Enemy Corpses or Enemy charged towards the Town's gate. Then we heard sounds of Heavy Engine Roaring nearby

"Tigerkrabbe Panzers! 9 o' clock!" I heard John shouted while pointing his finger towards a direction. And there it is, The German tanks designed like a Crab. There's about thousands of them. The British have 10 Tanks here with the Italian Cavalry, so could that they could hold off the Germans attack. Nurm told me about something earlier, it's a weapon. He named it 'TNT Cannon'. Basically it shoot TNT one per one from it's breach. So, we need TNT's and Iron Blocks. This should do the trick against those Tanks

"Anyone have Iron blocks and TNT's?" I Asked my friends while firing at the enemy

"I got 20 Iron Blocks" Petra replied as she pulled out 5 iron Blocks and threw then at me. I caught them and store them in my Inventory

"I got 10 TNT's!" Jack shouted as he pulled out 10 TNT's and threw them at me. I caught them and store them in my inventory "were you about to make that 'TNT Cannon' Nurm told ya about?" Jack asked me when he Saw a German were about to shoot a Launcher of their own design at the gate but Jack noticed him as he shot the German soldier dead before he could destroy the gate

"Oh yes i do! It should do the trick against those War Machines" I exclaimed. Then the Germans are now within 20 meters away from our positions. They returned fire and some was about to threw grenades but stopped by gunshots from our side. They fired at us and killed five of our Militia. Laying dead on the ground. Lifeless

"No!" I cried as i turned back and killed by firing at the Germans with anger. I Killed a couple of them with my gun. I looked back at John back he got one of his men injured and a soldier taking care of the injured men. I could see in his group he lost three soldiers who lays dead on the ground. Lifeless just like our 5 Militia too

"Grrr, curse those Bloody B*****d!" i heard John cursed

"This is not good" i muttered, looking at the five dead Beacontowners

"Jesse! Look!" Petra shouted pointing to something Shining far away. I perked my eyes forward to see what it is. Then i got a good look of what it is: A German Long-Range gun. I widened my eyes in shock. I looked back at John whose using his binocular to look at what i'm looking at. He muttered something. Then he suddenly shouted

"Take Cover!" He yelled as we duck behind the barricades behind the Gates wall. Then BOOM! The Gate is destroyed. The smoke filled the surrounding of the destroyed gate. When we got up from our crouch/prone position, At first it wad dead silent. We steadied our weapons ready for the incoming enemy. Then we heard war cries behind the smokes of the destroyed gate

"Attacke! umkreisen sie!" One of the German soldiers cried followed by various War Cries in foreign language (German) and Loud Machines roaring. Then the Germans come out from the smoke charging at us. We retreated from the wall to our 2nd line of defense. The German Tanks were about to enter the town, supporting the enemy infantry attacking when suddenly one of the German Tanks got destroyed by none other than The British War Machine, The Challenger Tanks 

"Allright, Jerries! do you want to wrestled? well, let's wrestle! you will be intimidated by the Royal Armour! Come on Boys! Let's Wrestle!" I heard The Tank Commander that was with us earlier who came to take us to the gate before as he lead 10 Challenger Tanks against thousands German Tanks. Then John and his men ran to us

"Jesse! How's your group doing?" He asked while panting. I looked at my Militia. They seems fine except for the 5 Dead Militias

"They're okay! Just exhausted" I replied while panting

"Think they can sprint or run?" John asked me while pulling out two handguns

"I think so" I replied, still panting

"Ok, then! Follow me!" He told me. I nodded as he and his men sprinted to the Second line of defense (Near Stampy's and Stacy's House) followed by me, Petra, Jack, Nurm, and the Militias. Oh yeah! I forgot that we are separated from the other Beacontown's Militia Group! I hope the others are okay

{F! Jesse's POV}

I was with Lukas, Ivor, and the 2nd Militia Group along with the other Allies, the Italians. We were retreating from the Enemy offensive on the gate as we ran to Stampy's and Stacy's house that had been barricaded to be the 2nd line of defend. Now they're in the Town. Again! I hope the others are okay.....

{Romeo's/Admin POV}

Oh my! That was disastrous to say at least. These...Men are Barbaric! More Barbaric than my Former 'Guests' back at the Sunshine Institute. Well now, I was running with the Italian Soldiers and the Militia of Beacontown. We followed the Italians that led us to a Stable full of horses. At first i don't know why we're here but then i realized that these Italian are equipped with Spears rather than Guns, Which means they're Cavalry or Horsemen. Well, I guess we'll join the Cavalry, i guess. I hope the others are doing fine at the moment


The Nazis had already break through Beacontown. They began entered the Town and used Blitzkrieg tactic to surround the Beacontowners, British, and Italian Forces inside the Town. Now, the Second Battle for Beacontown is about to begin