Struggling Through Detox

Start from the beginning

I had a fun morning with the house hippos, but it would have been amazing with Addy here...

I let out a deep sigh as I drive back from my house to Addys apartment, I only came to grab some clothes and shoes, and my makeup for class. It probably looks like I'm moving into Addys apartment though, I'm sure she would giggle at the fact that my car is practically full of all my clothes, shoes, makeup and my favorite snacks. I just don't want to be driving back and forth between her place and mine constantly.

I pull up into the parking as I start to unload my stuff and bring it into Addys room.

Addy is going to be SO EXCITED.


I giggle to myself as I put all of my stuff away, leaving out only some black slacks, a black blazer, and a red top. Along with my black heels. I set them on the vanity as I sigh to myself..

Honestly, I'm not ready to go back to work tomorrow, not only because I feel like shit, but Addy isn't here.. I'll just keep looking at the empty seat in my class.

Ugh. I sigh again as I change into some pjs, locking all the doors and turning off the lights as I get into the new bed and close my eyes. I struggle to fall asleep, I find that I keep reaching for Addy... I turn over in bed, an hour later finally falling asleep



I wake up to the horrible fucking sound coming from my phone. Ie: My Alarm

I turn the alarm off and sit up in bed, rubbing my eyes as I walk towards the bathroom, I quickly get into a shower, I woke up at 6 am. So I have plenty of time to be a lazy fuck.

I don't have to be in class until 8:30

I stand under the warm water, then finally get out, drying off and walking towards the vanity, grabbing all of my clothes and sliding it on, I put my hair back in a slick ponytail, my long black hair hanging straight down.
I do some simple makeup, not too much, just enough to cover the dark circles and puffiness under my eyes. I smile at myself in the mirror and come out to greet the pups who are already up and playing, I put some food down in their bowls and I make myself some eggs, bacon and toast.

I finish my breakfast and I get up to open the back door for the pups, that way they can do their business as I wash the dishes I made.

I finish the dishes and walk into the room grabbing my heels and placing them on before calling the pups back in and locking the back door. I kiss their foreheads softly as I walk out of the front door, turning to lock it, then walking towards my car, and taking off towards the school.

I park my car once I reach the school, taking out my phone and dialing the hospital.

Amber: Hello, this is the nurses desk
D: hey.. how's Addy doing today?
Amber: oh you must be Demi! Honestly, she is not doing too well, she has had a few more seizures, and has just been throwing up, shaking, cold sweats, and she is very restless.
D: isn't the detox medication helping her..?
Amber: it takes a few days for the medication to kick into the system, the way she is feeling right now is completely normal. She will get there, don't worry too much, she is in great hands here
D: I know that it's normal.. I've been through it.. I just don't want her feeling like that, but you're right. She must go through the worst before finding the light at end of the tunnel. Thank you for everything you're doing for her. Please let her know that I love and miss her so fucking much
Amber: I will Demi! Bye

I hang up the phone as my eyes water a bit but I try to suck them up as I grab my briefcase and coffee and walk into the building and into my classroom.

I get lost in my thoughts about Addy and before I know it the bell has rung and everyone is sitting in their seats.

The lecture felt like it went on forever..

I just have to do one more lecture.. the class that Addy should be in, then I can go home.
I have 1 hour 1/2 to grade papers before the next class comes in.
I get lost in my work and the bell ringing snaps me out of my trance.

I sigh as the class pours in, Anthony, Addys best friend, clearly confused because he can't find her. He sits down and I begin the lecture. Once again. Went on forever.

I sigh to myself as the bell finally rings, signifying the end of the day, for me at least. Some of these students have other classes to get to. But I'm done for the day. The good thing about this schedule is that every teacher only teaches 3 days a week, and only does 2 lectures a day. I do Mon-Weds-Fri. So it's not too much I guess.

I make my way back to my desk as the students all walk out of the class. I grab my stuff and place it in my briefcase, someone tapping on my shoulder causing me to turn

"Do.. do you know where Addy is..? She didn't show up today.. and that's just not like her" Anthony says

"She's taking care of some personal stuff and will be gone for at least 30 days. She had to pull out from this semester, so you probably won't see her till next semester, or when she gets back if you guys hangout outside of school"
He stares at me confused, but I'm not about to tell the whole world that she's in rehab. That's for her to tell. If she wants to.

"Have a good day Anthony" I say to him as I walk towards my class door, he quickly walks out and I close my door and walk to my car. Getting in and letting out a deep breath as I press my forehead against the steering wheel, tears escaping my eyes. After a few minutes I regroup and clean my face, then back out of the parking lot.

I let out another deep breath as I pull into the parking lot in front of Addys apartment.

It fucking hurts to know that she's not going to be in there to greet me..

This fucking hurts...

I grab my stuff and walk inside, smiling down at the pups as they greet me, the entire apartment filled with Adelaides scent...

I walk into the kitchen and set my stuff down on the table, I sit down at the table and bury my face into my hands as I softly cry to myself..

I stay like that for a while, I don't know how long but when I picked my head back up it was already dark outside..

I grab my phone and check the time

8:30 pm

Ugh, I let out a sigh as I make a quick salad for me to eat and take the bowl out into the backyard with me, the pups following me outside, I turn on the light out there and sit at the patio table.

I finish my salad and grab one of the packs of cigarettes that Addy left out here, I pull one out and take it between my lips, lighting it, then quickly inhaling, the nicotine making me feel calm as it enters my lungs.

Being without Addy is going to be hard..

Hey guys!! We finally caught up to current time!!

In tomorrow's chapter (I might release it tonight) there will be a time jump to Addys last day at the rehab

Comment vote!!!

There will be a LOOOT of dirty scenes coming so PREPARE

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