''This is so sad P.'' Gen fake whined clenching her heart while looking extremely un-bothered by his expression. ''You're just saying that because she's single now and you want to-''

''Oh my god Genevieve and you still wonder why no one can stand you? You're a fucking  nightmare.'Peter snapped and Rita caught her breath in the middle of her throat. Damn Peter. 

A excruciating silence fell upon the porch; You could hear a pin drop for the long minute no one spoke. Peter didn't look regretful about his words, he looked relieved and proud. Gen on the other side looked absolutely wrecked. Rita felt so awkward standing in the middle of their heated stare off she had to sit down. 

The thick ambient was cleared up immediately as soon as Gen's heavy presence was wiped away by the gelid breeze that cooled Rita's features while barely enticing the dying flames in front of her. She stormed out without even looking back and Peter took the loudest deep breath in the world. 

''Are you okay?'' He asked softly after sitting down beside Rita.

''Y-yeah.'' She didn't believe her own words and neither did Peter.

''Come on Lancaster. I know you.'' Peter smiled and elbowed her softly. ''What's up? 

''Me and Alec. We broke up, for real.'' She said looking directly at the fire. Her eyes drying up but she wouldn't blink so tears rushed to aid. Peter straightened his back and stood so stiff it looked uncomfortable. ''I'm okay don't worry.'' She said smiling when she saw the way he twisted his nose with concern down at her.

''I-I saw you still talk and I thought you were back together.'' He said wondering. 

''We're friends. Y'know I have this thing where I like to keep the friendships when something doesn't work out.'' She playfully elbowed her friend. 

''Thank God.'' Peter smirked to the sky, his eyes fitted the stars. 

''I just want school to be over so I can stay in bed all day.''  She chuckled. ''I'm so tired.'' 

Peter's arm wrapped around her shoulder and his head touched hers. His nose tickled her temple but she didn't lean back, instead she leaned in towards his warm touch. 

''You're going to be okay.'' He whispered before kissing her forehead. 

Without any warning and just like that, tears started to stream down Rita's face, big fat fine lines of water ran along her cheeks and she was shaking of that much sobbing.It was the kind of desolate sobbing that comes from a person drained of all energy and hope. 

Her tears mingled with her lips and they were salty reminders of the ongoing pain felt inside her chest. The pain that flowed from her was as palpable was the frigid winter mountain wind that cut trough her features while nearly freezing her tears. 

She didn't want Peter to see her cry, so she sobbed into her hands while the tears dripped between her long fingers. Peter didn't care she was crying, as soon as he heard her gasp for air hinting the first sob he was on his knees on the floor ahead of her, holding her hands and trying to get the girl to look at him.  

''No-No.'' Peter shook his head, his expression showed nothing but genuine concern. He took his thumbs to wipe away her tears. ''Rita, It's okay.'' 

''It is so not okay.'' She laughed because maybe It was all really dumb or maybe it was not and she needed someone else's opinion. ''I feel like I'm constantly being tested.'' Her chest throbbed at every word, gasping desperately for air. ''Whenever I am genuinely happy something happens and I'm back to feeling like complete and utter shit and it's so stupid Peter like-'' She licked her lips. Peter's hand was in her face, his fingers intertwined her ear while his thumb caressed her cheek. ''I have so much to be happy and grateful for but I can't focus on that because my mind only acknowledges my failures and It physically and emotionally drains me.''She grasped her throat as if it ached excruciatingly. ''I try so hard to be positive, I try so hard to be the best version of myself but I fail every time. I'm weak-'' 

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