20-1: Seven Sevens

Start from the beginning

"Where did she go?" asked Ryleine.

He knew the answer, but he didn't want to believe it. After so many years of waiting for him...

"She has gone to buy us enough time to escape."


"The Three are close behind. She has gone to confront them, to make sure that we can get away, back to Helen's Bay."

"Well then... let's go."

"No," he said, eyes fixed on the desert. "You go. I cannot leave her here to fight for me. To die for me. You go without me. Go now."

"No, we—"

"Just go!"

Abbikson began jogging towards the desert even as the heat of the morning sun began to strengthen on his back. The soft dry sand made running difficult, but he had no choice, no other way to catch up with Lytette. He had barely made it a hundred yards before he heard her calling him.

"Abe! Come back here, you old fool."

He turned around to see Lytette standing at the edge of the village. He ran back to her, slightly confused.

"What are you doing... there?"

"I was waiting to see you leave safely before I went after The Three. And I was trying to avoid an awkward goodbye."

"I'm not leaving you to fight them off alone."

Lytette smiled, remaining silent for a long while as she held his gaze. He could feel the reluctance as she turned away.

"Any of you three able to sail a ship?"

Kyrnrie and Ryleine shook their heads conclusively. Irikhart was more optimistic about his qualifications.

"I've seen others sailing ships," he remarked casually, as if that was more than enough.

Lytette looked back at Abbikson as she shrugged, gesturing towards the unlikely crew. She had a pained expression on her face, worse than he'd ever seen.

"I could kiss you right now," she said. "But I wouldn't want to traumatise you before your voyage. You better board that ship before I change my mind!"

Abbikson hesitated while Irikhart, blind to the situation, interjected his own opinion.

"We're running out of time, Abe," said the god of fools. "Let's go."

"Abbikson," he said.


"My name is Abbikson."

"That's what I said."

"No, it isn't."

"Yes, it is."

"Aargh, forget it," he said, shaking his head, as the moment passed. "Lytette... thank you."

He ran towards the ship; the god, the thief, and the huntress close behind. He climbed aboard and began shouting orders, preparing the ship for sailing. Fortunately, the guardians had kept it ready for a rapid departure so there was little for them to do, and they were able to cast off quickly, heading out to sea.

Abbikson looked back towards the land, searching for Lytette. She stood on the shore at the edge of the abandoned town, waving her goodbyes. A dust storm rose from nowhere, swallowing her in the darkness before striking the sails with immense force, pushing the ship out of the bay at incredible speed.

Even as the dust swirled in the rigging, Abbikson could hear her voice on the wind.

"Goodbye, Lytette," he murmured back.

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