Raven and Beast Boy smut

Start from the beginning

It was on these nights, that she could have peaceful slumber with her boyfriend, and lay her head upon his chest, without being disturbed. In those nights, when her purple hair laid between them, and she could hear the slow and gradual thumps of his heart beating...that, was extreme comfort. Forget Alcohol. Forget drugs. Forget message chairs, sleep number beds, or hot bubble baths. When Garfield was quiet, it was like heaven was bestowed upon her.

And then other nights, Logan reminded her of a Tug boat, transporting thousands of elephants with colds, while fireworks went off at the magic kingdom for the Fourth of July spectacular. It's impossible to spell the sound. But, if it could be spelled out, it would be written like this. "ALKSGHOUTHSSEZTHERALKAGHGHGH!"

She hated it.

It wasn't just the fact that he was snoring, it was the fact that he was snoring so loudly and sordidly that it was enough to make any sane or even insane person go crazy. It was not just a simple snore. It was one colossal, sickening wheeze and snot filled exhale after another. And the fact that she had her head right against his chest when he started snoring made it even worst.

She awoke to the Lion with a car horn for a vocal box with much annoyance. She groaned in irritation as she realized that tonight was going to be one of those nights. She wore a gray pajama shirt with a pair of panties while he remained only in his boxers. She looked over to the nightstand and realized it was 1:30am in the morning. She rolled her eyes in disapproving fashion and then, with much curiosity, decided to see her boyfriends face and what it looked like when he snored.

She slowly made her way to the top of her boyfriend, as the satin sheets slowly brushed across her skin. She didn't want to wake her boyfriend, for reasons to this day she does not know. As she got on top of him, she began to look at Garfield as he belted out his sleeping roars.

He looked peaceful; at least that was the silver lining in his snoring. His mouth was wide open, and his eyes were clamped down shut in a relaxed and subtle manner. Drool began to roll out of the left side of his mouth, onto his chin, and started to make a pool on their bed, much to her dismay. Why? It was an expensive bed. It was a standard temprepedic mattress that all Titans were issued within the tower. But what made this mattress so special was the sheet thread count and its nationality.

It was a 1000 thread count sheet, from Nazareth which the monks gave her. Its pattern was that of a raven, with its wings opened, flying upward among the backdrop of a huge mountain. The rest of the sheets were a different shade of purple, and all were within the 800 thread count. But this was the particular sheet that Garfield's drool was falling upon.

It was at this moment, that she decided that she had enough of her boyfriends snoring. It had been going on for years and tonight she was going to stop it. She wanted to get back to sleep, but she knew that more sleep was now out of the question. It was impossible to fall back to sleep when Garfield began snoring. So, she began to contemplate on ways to stop Gar's horrific snoring. There had been idea's brewing for a while, but she never had the chance to put them into action. Tonight, she had enough of Garfield's snoring, and was going to do something about it.

She rolled off Garfield to the left, and lied on the bed for quite some time. When she got up to move, she suddenly felt a sharp stinging pain on the side of her thighs. Gasping slightly, her hands traveled down to these areas, and began to rub. She knew that she was going to feel some pain, but she still was never fully prepared for it; even though it happened several times in the past. She only hopped that she wasn't bleeding. She took on hand away from her thigh and studied it in the light of the alarm clock. She didn't notice nothing out of the unusual, so she probably wasn't hurt that bad.

That's another thing Logan forgot to mention when they entered their relationship; the claws.

Sometimes it would just happen. He didn't mean for it to happen. He loved his Raven and would never cause her any harm. But sometimes, when the sex got really good, (and I mean really really good; to the point of almost blacking out with pleasure) the claws would sheath out of his hands and insert themselves into Ravens thigh, shoulder, or whatever he was grabbing at the time. It was completely accidental. It was purely instinctual. It was just the animals in him, trying to mark Raven as Logan's mate. It was if Gar's inner animal was proclaiming to Raven, "You're mine. You're mine and no one else's. You're my mate and I'm not going to let you go anywhere." For some reason though, Raven kind of liked it when the claws came out. It showed this strange and powerful animalistic side of Beast boy that Raven wanted to see whenever she was feeling a little kinky.

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