- "girls sena will move to your room tonight"

- "what?!... no way that won't ever happen"

vicky said in anger tone and that made the commander mad so he shout at her saying:

- "vicky... i said shut up... don't take advantage of your status as a friend... and that you are ray's fiancee... because sena has the right to choose her room"

the tears wanted to fall from vicky's eyes... so she decreased her tone of voice after she saw the anger on ray's face... so she said calmly:

- "sir... i don't take advantage of anything... but sena live in seohyun's room so did she changed her mind suddenly?"

sena steped forword challanging everybody and said:

- "i don't live in a room of a girl who killed herself..."

the words was like a painly arrow in eunsae's heart... who waited the commander to reply a proper answer to her... she felt that courages failing her and the word flying away from her... she didn't say anything... but she give up crying silently... and everybody was silent infront of sena's bad words about there friend seohyun... until the commander finaly said:

- "sena... go back to seohyun's room... and i'm sorry to bother you all"

no one could see the sadness in eunsae's eyes... except the commander felt it without seeing it... it was a rough night... but it ends quietly... vicky and the commander say sorry to eachother that make them forget all the conversation...

Tia and min left for a quick walking around the camp to enjoy the great weather in summer... except eunsae who forgot everything... and kept her sadness which drowned it in her bed crying until the morning...

we need to get up in the morning and see that our life had changed... how can we respond with that changing?... here appear our courage... every girl in the camp were trying to escape from that question when sena's name mintioned or anybody sees her... because she annoyed everybody and ruined there lives...

- "eunsae... good morning"

it was the first time eunsae wake up with the voice of hyuyoon... she moved in her bed remembering what happened last night in sadness so she looked again and saw hyuyoon standing infront of her smiling when she said:

- "why didn't you get back to continue our night yesturday?"

eunsae sat properly on the bed while she's remembering last night and said:

- "i don't know"

- "anyway Tia told me everything.... and said that you were annoyed when sena talked about seohyun"

eunsae sighed sadly while she tried to be careless and said:

- "maybe....."

hyuyoon looked at her confused and surprise she started to feel bored although the time was early so she sat next to her on the bed to change her feeling alittle bit and said:

- "eunsae... why all your answers are short and not clear it's even boring"

eunsae shake her head like she doesn't know anything but hyuyoon remove the blanket and took her hand and said in a high tone:

- "come on... everybody i invite you on a cup of coffee my treat in the cafeterea... come on eunsae... please...."

eunsae stand up and the girls followed her to the cafeterea except for vicky who was tired from being late last night and stayed sleeping... all the way eunsae didn't say anything... she didn't even smile... and that what her friends felt while they tried to push her to the cafeterea in joy... eunsae sat infront of hyuyoon like always... hyuyoon tried to change the sad quiet atmosphere so she gave her friends the cups of coffee and said:

- "who can tell me who is the happiest person in the world?.."

that was strange question, but this is hyuyoon's way to ask questions.... the answer maybe change from person to another... that what eunsae said in her answer which was refused by hyuyoon... so Tia thought and said while looking around her to find the answer:

- "is it the lover?"

that made eunsae alittle bit mad... who asked Tia to be quiet like the answer doesn't suit her... min put bacj her cup of coffee on the table and said:

- "maybe you want to say that the happiest who doesn't see my brother ever"

and min's words made them all laugh... but no one notice that something strange was in the cafeterea and it will make them trouble but they didn't care because they saw that eunsae started to laugh for the first time and that make them all happy.... so hyuyoon sat properly and said in a funny tone:

- "after the experience... and the tough days... and the long years.."

- "and....."

the girls said in one voice to break hyuyoon's arrogance who laughed alot and said:

- "i find out that the happiest person is the one who put his hands on the back of his head and sleep quietly and in any time he want.."

everyone was looking at her in interest until min attacked her tickling her while hyuyoon asking for help and everyone laughing.... even eunsae...


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