chapter 11

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eunsae inhaled queer air and engaged her fingers tips with some tuft of her hair to receive new morning.... she felt that her arrival to the farm changed her alot and remove alittle of the sadness in her heart... she looked at vicky again and again while she's smiling silently... she wanted to tease her in a conversation about him xp....(AN:she's the one who been teased)

- vicky... good morning

vicky looked at her in surprised look like she say i know what your up to.... so she replyed normaly:

- good morning sweety...

- how was your evening?

eunsae smirked while she said that... and vicky replyed normaly:

- sweet... we had alot of fun... we wished that you were with us...

- right... actually i felt alittle sleepy thats why i changed my mind and slept

vicky didn't reply about eunsae's last sentence... because she didn't beleive her... eunsae understand that she didn't beleive her after all they are always like a one person... so she stand straight in her seat and looked out side the window to see the beautiful spring spring in the farm before they leave it... and she was sure that she will miss it when she get back to the camp... but... vicky's voice cut her thoughts when she whispered:

- eunsae... i think that there is something in the camp will annoy you..

eunsae looked at her confused and alittle worried so she asked:

- why vicky?

- because some of the girls... innocently... told the commander that you changed your mind and slept early when you knew that he came...

eunsae looked angry she hit her forhead with her palm and said:

- what a stupid!!... who's that idiot who told him... do i lack and i am now the wrath of the commander?

- eunsae... i said it was an innocent joke...

- good morning

that word was different taste when it comes from the commander... because it carry with it the silent... eunsae preferred the silent and looked outside the window to listen to him while he said:

- I'm glad to see you all... and glad that you had fun with your trip... i hope that you will get there safe

the commander started to count the names of the girls everyone said that he's here except for eunsae... who felt for amoment that she want to make him angry and get revange for what happened to her even with a small thing... and her rationale was that the commander saw her so she did not need to say the word yes to make him feel her existence...

the bus started to move after the commander's order the silence was in the air... the commander get close to vicky and eunsae's seat... eunsae felt a combination of boldness and turmoil... she got silent and looked outside the window... vicky was the one who separate the commander from eunsae... while T.K standing behind him and that made the situation more serious and had much releive for eunsae...

- miss eunsae i think that our personal proplems have to be aside from our formality

eunsae didn't answer him and stayed silent... and that made him furious so he changed his accent to challenging one and said:

- right eunsae?!

the nervousness was on all the faces, because the air around them was full of anger and challenging... while vicky was trying to make eunsae answer the commander with a simple whispering... no body knew what will happen if eunsae didn't answer him clearly... then she said while looking outside the window:

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