Chapter 41

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When the winter left the camp and the spring began everyone went late to their beds... Because laughter and happiness fill the air of the girls dorm... When they sat in the big living room of the dorm enjoying the spring nights... Even Tia who forgot her sadness for moments enjoying her friends company...

Moment passed with quietness... Because the commander came and when he entered he was surprised that the girls were still awake for late time...

He came to talk to the supervisor of the dorm about unloading hyuyoon's room in preparation of her housing with her husband...

Half an hour passed and the commander still talking with the supervisor and ray in the glassy room which everyone can see them clearly there... Eunsae was happy... Her eyes were glowing while the commander was steps away from her even though there's more than twenty girls around her... The minutes between them were long... The girls started to get back to their rooms one by one until eunsae felt that she had to go back to her room too... So she standed up beside her friends when suddenly vicky greeted the commander and ray after they got out from the room smiling... Eunsae and vicky walked to them while Min and Tia got back to their rooms...

- "good evening"

The guys greeted calmly with some formality and loving:

- "good evening"

The girls replied quickly and spontanuosly... Vicky standed beside Ray speaking to the commander saying:

- "sir can I ask a question?"

The commander nodded to her with a smile and said:

- "sure go ahead..."
Eunsae interfere too and said:

- "me too can I ask a question?"

Everyone laughed and the commander replied saying:

- "what's wrong with all those questions this day?"
Vicky got nervous and said:

- "sir do you have any idea about the box that was given to eunsae before some days?"
Vicky's question was like a big shock to eunsae who clearly blushed glaring at vicky which made Ray interfere in the conversation saying:

- "Maru if the answer embarrass anyone don't answer it..."

The commander smiled looking at the angry eunsae trying to cool her down then said:

- "yes I know what does it has... Do you want me to tell you?"
Vicky felt excited to the answer without careing to see eunsae's expressions and said:

- "yes please sir..."

- "well after your permission Ray and eunsae because it's not what I think it embarrasses anyone... Because everyone can marry at anytime and place..."
Vicky didn't understand what does the commander mean while he was speaking calmly to keep eunsae's emotions and anger calmed down then said:

- "the box has a Wedding dress for eunsae a gift from me..."
Vicky jumped happily without saying anything and eunsae turned around embarrassed to get back to her room when the commander hold her wrist to stop her saying:

- "eunsae don't get mad... They're preparing for their Wedding so we do too... What's the problem of that?"
Eunsae's eyes didn't leave the ground while her feelings turned to tears... Ray plamed vicky for this... So vicky came closer to her and apologised to return the happy atmosphere they had before... But eunsae stayed quiet and didn't say anything until the commander interfere and said to eunsae:

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