Chapter 2

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(In dragon ball narrator voice) Last time on "Camren":

"Thanks, I will" As soon as I walked out of the office I was bombarded by 2 familiar people.


Lauren POV:
"Heyyyy, what's up??" I asked knowing exactly why they were here.

"What happened Lauren? we heard you blew up in class and got sent to the office" One of my best friends, Normani said. Today she was wearing a red shirt showing off her abs and black and white stripped shorts.

"Yeah, I was let off since I haven't really done anything except this" I explained, "the teacher was getting on my fucking nerves." She let out a sigh and my other friend; Ally, spoke up.

"Well, at least you ok and didn't do anything you would've regretted or something"

"Yeah, that would've been bad, I'm sorry to say this but, I promised the principal that i would be good for the rest of the day as a condition of our deal" I explained. Normani and Ally nodded and started talking and then walked quickly down to our next class together, trying not to be late.

"Well that's good but you gotta try and calm down or you'll never get anywhere" I nodded noticing Ally trying to catch up with us with her short legs, I slowed down so she could catch up. As we walked through the door to the Biology room, I felt every ones stares go to the back of my head. I glared at them and they quickly turned around like nothing happened. I don't know why but my temper has always been short, none of my family members have this problem. For the rest of the day I stayed to myself and talked with Normani and Ally.

At the end of school we walked out to my car and got in. I turned the key and just sat and watched Normani and Ally fight over the passenger seat. After about w minutes, not surprisingly, Normani was in the passenger seat and Ally in the back. I turned on the radio and we sat in silence while Shadows by Sabrina Carpenter.

"Oh, guys I forgot to tell you that I want you guys to come to Zendaya's party with me tonight, we need to get out" Normani said. I looked at her like she was dumb, did she actually think I was going out. Why would I wanna go to a party and talk with all these people I don't like, not including Normani, Ally, and Zendaya.

"What?" she said

"I don't wanna go to a party and drink with people I don't know or like" she sighed

"Look, laur, your coming I don't care if i have to drag you out of your house or not, look on the bright side-and what would that be?" I interrupted.

"Well if you would let me finish and stop being so damn rude i'd tell you"

"Fine" I agreed and waited for her to finish trying to keep my eyes on the road.

"Well you could find a girlfriend or boyfriend," she wiggled her eye brows and smiled, "Hell, it could even be a one night stand, but you need someone other that us" she said pointing between her and Ally. I started to get frustrated, I bit down on my bottom lip trying not snap at her.

"Fine, I'll go, but that's it," I gave in as Normani squealed causing me to swerve on the road. I started to breath heavily as I got back on track. It was silent for a few moment as we started to laugh with Ally giving us a dirty look, which kinda scares me.

"Y'all need to be more careful, thank Jesus that I prayed just in time before we would've been dead!" she exclaimed in her southern accent and that caused us to laugh more. Trying to keep my eyes on the road when we stopped laughing and turned up the radio to keep out any unwanted humor. The rest of the time to my house we sang along with the radio. By the time i pulled up and turned the car off, Normani and Ally were already running towards my door, not even bothering to wait for me, HOW RUDE!

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