I'm Over You... Maybe not entirely...

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"Jack I'm at work, I'm hanging up now." Matt said putting away the paper work he had finished. Adjusted the phone he had between his shoulder and ear. 

"Fine, I love you." he said.

"Love you too." he said then hung up. Matt sighed and put his phone back in his pocket. He heard a knock at the door. He glanced up and pushed his glasses up.

"Come in."  he said and sat up. His eyes narrowed and he got up quickly when he saw who walked in the door, "No get out." he spat.

The man that walked in calmly shut the door, "Matt just listen to me."

"No I don't want to hear it, I said I never wanted to see you again."

"I want to talk." he said, "Civily." 

Matt narrowed his eyes at his ex fiance. He truly didn't want to see that man ever again. He was happy with Jack for about two months so far after the previous issue about Jack's immortality. It was worked out and then they got back together. 

"What do you want to say?"

"I wanted to know if-"

"Im currently in a relationship, Thomas" he hissed

"Oh really?" he asked, not entirely believing it. Matt growled, how dare he come back here thinking Matt was still in love with him and hopelessly alone after their realtionship. Thinking that Matt couldn't get anyone else. 

"Yes I am." he hissed, "Happier then I ever was with you."

"Who is this man?" he asked curiously.

"What do you care."

"I still love you, of course I care." He said flatly.

"Get out!" he growled. Thomas narrowed his eyes, just complying he walked out. Matt huffed and sat back down. 


Matt laid across Jack's lap on the couch. He checked his phone and growled, ever since that morning a certain someone  kept calling and texting him. He hadn't brought it up but Jack noticed there was something going on.

"What's wrong Matt." Jack asked, absent mindedly playing with his hair. Matt put his phone down and looked at him. 

"Damn ex." he muttered.

"The one I met?"

"When I hit you with my door yes." Matt sighed.

"Why did he suddenly contact you."

"The bastard wants to get back together." he growled.

Jack looked at him for a minute. watching him fume and grumble.

"Can I call him?" Jack asked, wanting to see what this man would have to say. Matt never told him what happened betwen him and Thomas. Not like Jack cared but he was stil curious. Matt looked at Jack thinking if he wanted to hand over the phone. He bit his lip. Jack hummed waiting for him to answer because he just stared at him while thinking.

"Fine." he handed over the phone. Jack smiled and went to Thomas's contact and hit call. He put the phone to his ear and waited. Thomas answered rather quickly.

"Hello love, made up your mind yet." Thomas said.

Jack looked to the phone for a second before returing it to his ear, "ya no... he hasn't can you stop harrasing my boyfriend?"

The line was silent for a moment, Jack couldn't help but snicker. 

"How much did he pay you to call me?" 

Jack stopped laughing and he narrowed his eyes, "Listen asshole he didn't pay me anything, he's over your sorry ass." he growled.

Matt's eyes got wide, "Jack." he said quietly. Jack covered Matt's mouth with his hand. 

Thomas again was quiet before he hung up. Jack huffed, "What an asshole."

Matt laughed quietly, Jack removed his hand. Matt sat up and moved over so he sat in Jack's lap. 

"I really didn't expect you to do that. But thank you, maybe he'll leave me alone now..." he mumbled and kissed softly before resting his head on Jack's shoulder. Jack huffed he couldn't believe Matt's ex. Matt laughed quietly again.

"You're funny when you're mad." Matt mumbled


Matt was home alone, Jack had gone off somewhere. He was staring at his Phone, for the third time Thomas had called and he wouldn't leave Matt alone. Matt wanted to answer the phone tell him to leave him alone and hang up and have to never deal wih him again. But he was sure that would make it worse.

He sighed and grabbed the phone, answering the third call from his ex.

"Thomas this is ridiculous. Stop calling me."

"If it was so ridiculous why haven't you blocked my number yet?"

Matt didn't answer and thought, Why haven't I? They had gone through a rough relationship and a nasty break up why didn't matt just block and delete his number right away. Why did he even answer this call? 

Matt growled and hung up and went to the contact, ready to hit block but he stopped, noticing his hands were shaking. He couldn't bring himself to do that, to let go. He realized that's what it was he didn't want to let go of him. He wanted to forgive him. He had missed him. Of course he wouldn't leave Jack for Thomas, ever, not in a billon years. 

He loved Jack

Yet missed Thomas...

 He forced himself to press the button. He muttered to himself and put his phone down. He layed back on the couch and ran his fingers through his hair. 


"Where is he?" Matt asked Jack, walking into the waiting room. Jack had called Matt as Thomas had gotten in a car accident and was now in critical condition. He almost panicked, he tried not to show it. But Jack read straight through the mask. 

He knew matt still cared for Thomas, he understood he had fallen hard for him, even though the man had cheated on him. 

"Critical care..." Jack mumbled. 

"So he's still alive?" Matt asked frantically. 

Jack nodded but glanced over at a Doctor that walked in. Jack's heart sank. He figured that he wasn't alive anymore.

"Is Thomas okay?" Matt asked.

The doctor frowned, "No, Mr Smith... died on the operating table. He bled out, we couldn't stop the bleeding." 

Matt swallowed, "O-oh..."

Jack looked at him, "Matt..." he frowned.

"Are either of you related to him?" the doctor.

Jack shook his head, "no... just.... friends..." he mumbled. 


A/N: Musical inspiration...

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