An Almost Broken Nose and a Bar

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Jack walked down the hall of the hospital, he thought he heard some rumors of the Doctor being around here, he couldn't find him. So he figured he already left. Jack took a wrong turn and ended up in some wing of the hospital he didn't recognize. He decided it wouldn't hurt to ask for help so he walked up to the closet office and was about to open the door when he heard arguing, so he just listened for a moment. Until the door slammed opened and hit him in the face. He staggered back holding his nose.

A young man stepped out of the office holding the door. "You can leave now" he growled, another young man stormed out. The young doctor that slammed the door in Jack's face sighed and turned around to walk back in his office when he saw jack an realized he hit him.

"Oh dear lord I'm sorry!" he said walking over to jack, Jack held his nose that was gushing blood profusely, "Here." he dragged Jack in his office and got him tissues. "Sorry, personal issues." he muttered, wiping his eyes quickly. "

"Boyfriend?" Jack asked taking some tissues. The young Doctor sighed, "Ex yes, sorry about your nose, I didn't realize you were standing out there."

"It's fine, It's not broken..." he said. after a moment his nose stop bleeding. He looked to the young Doctor who got lost in though and looked really upset.

"Looks like you need the tissues now." Jack said. the doctor sighed and wiped his eyes. "No.... again sorry I smashed your face..."

"Jack. Jack harkness, nice to meet you Doctor." he smiled

"Greyson, Matt Greyson."

"Well before I got my face smashed I was going to ask if you could direct me out of here I'm lost." he said.

"Um yeah." He walked out of his office and Jack followed, he poited the direction jack had came. "Down the hall, take a left, you'll find a lift at the end of that hall."

"Thanks." Jack said.

"You're welcome." He mumbled, "And sorry about the nose again." he said.

"Not a problem. It was nice to meet you, Matt" Jack smiled. Matt threw back a weak smile before saying bye and going back into his office.

~ ~

Jack walked into the bar, having nothing better to do. Sitting down he ordered a drink. Then he recognized the same young Doctor that almost broke his nose earlier.

The cute single doctor that almost broke his nose earlier that day.

Though he knew it probably wasn't the best idea to try flirting with him, since he just broke up, and was obviously upset about it. But it was worth a shot. He got up and moved down two seats, sitting next to him.

"Hello again." Jack said. Matt put his glass down and looked at him. He swayed a little, obviously drunk.

"A look I didn't ruin that pretty face of yours." he slurred.

Jack cocked an eye brow. "You've had a lot to drink. but you have a pretty face too Dr Greyson. I think you've had a bit too much."

The bartender gave Jack his drink. Jack thanked him and sipped it looking to Matt again who was head down on the table. Jack sighed debating whether or not to just skip the flirting and take home the broken hearted Doctor. Jack just drank his drink and listen to Matt mumble. He finished and set the drink down and lifted Matt's head.

"Where do you live."

"You know you're really cute but ya know I think we should talk more before we sleep together don't cha think?" he giggled. "But I live right down the street."

"Well I'll take you home." he said and then paid the bartender. Helped Matt up. Matt staggered and leaned against Jack. His grey eyes looked up and he smiled looking at Jack, giggling. Jack glanced at him, and couldn't help but laugh a little at the ridiculous young man.

When Jack finally got Matt home, he opened the door for him and let him stagger inside. Matt turned and leaned on the door frame and looked at Jack.

"Well I-" Jack started but Matt grabbed him by the coat and pulled him forward and roughly kissed him. Jack was taken by surprise, but wasn't complaining. he was being snogged by a cute doctor.

Matt dragged Jack inside and shut the door.

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