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Jack tore apart pieces of bread and tossed it to geese that were by the pond's edge. Matt was standing next to his. It was late afternoon and kind of cloudy, it was a nice day. Jack and Matt had been walking around all day, just having a day to themselves. They talked away until Jack saw he was running out of bread. 

"Hey, Matt. Do we have any more bread in the car?" he asked. Matt shrugged. 

"I can go check," he said and walked back to the car. Jack watched him go then looked back to the Geese. He talked to him as he was throwing more pieces. When he ran out he pulled out his phone to play on. He heard someone shouting but didn't pay much attention until he realized who it was. 

"Jack!" Matt yelped running from the geese that were running behind him. He had the bread in his hand and Jack couldn't help but laugh.

"Drop the bread!" Jack said as Mat ran past him. Matt did as he said and dropped the bread. One goose was still chasing him around. Jack watched him run and jump on a bench after a moment the Goose left him alone and walked away. Jack walked over to him and held out a hand to help him down. Matt huffs and jumps down without accepting the help Jack gave a fake pout.

"You laughed at me," Matt said, obviously not very happy.

"You would've laughed at me and to be honest, it was hilarious." Jack laughed. 

"Whatever." Matt rolled his eyes and folded his arm. Jack kissed his cheek sweetly. 

"I love you."

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