Struggles of writing: Example #435

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Sometimes we as writers develop the back stories of our characters in great depth with such vivid detail, but it can't all be included in the story. Sometimes we reach the point where it feels like this person really exists somewhere, they have such a wealth of history in our minds down to certain memories of theirs, random incidents in their lives that play no part in either the plot or even their overall character but yet, it just matters. Stuff that readers don't really NEED to know, but the writer knows it and just wants to tell everyone anyways. Sometimes we want to sneak in little bits here and there, or give like a behind the scenes commentary as if the whole thing were a movie.

Alas, despite how tough it is, we have to contain ourselves and refrain from bogging the story down with unnecessary exposition and back story info that doesn't belong there. But is it so bad that I just wish my readers knew the characters in my mind as well as I do?

Any writers here who can relate? Share some author-exclusive knowledge about your characters down below!

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