Chapter 39 - Jungkook

Start from the beginning

Days before college graduation...

Taehyung was walking down the hall to go to his class after lunch class, munching on a snickers bar when he spots his boyfriend. Jungkook had lunch with him and their hyungs but he said goodbye to them and went away, thirty minutes before class. He told Taehyung he needed to reunite with some colleagues for a class project so the boy didn't ask further questions and let him go. They pecked each other's lips and Jungkook rushed out of the cafeteria.

He was in front of a classroom accompanied by Nayan and some other boy. The other boy went away waving goodbye at them and they stayed alone talking and laughing at something. Taehyung felt his heart clench and all his strength leave his body. He hid himself in some corner and watched their every move. She was against the locker while Jungkook was in front of her, rather close for Taehyung's liking.
They stayed there talking for some time until she started crying and covered her eyes with her hands. Jungkook immediately hugged her and rubbed her back to soothe her. Taehyung covered his mouth to muffle his cries. He turned around and ran out of the building.
He walked through the campus and stopped on that same spot beneath the tree. He sat on the ground with his back on the tree and cried lowly. He looked up at the sky and even the sky seemed to be as sad as him. In what should be a spring day, it looked more like a winter day. The clouds were grey and filled every corner of the sky, threatening to rain any moment. Taehyung sat there thinking about everything and how sad he has been feeling for almost a year until his phone vibrated, indicating he received a message.
He took his phone out of the pocket as he cleaned his tears with his sleeve. He expected the message to be from Jungkook but it was from Seoul's University telling him to go to the school's reception desk as soon as possible . He frowned but got up and went there anyway. What could it be? He asked himself all the way there.

He knocked on the door and heard a 'come in' so he opened the door and entered.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Kim. Please, take a sit." The older woman pointed at the chair in front of her desk. Taehyung greeted her and sat down feeling nervous.

"Mr. Kim, your college work has been really impressive and really good. You have been awarded for your work and complimented by some teachers. There's something that some students forget and that is that some well-named teachers and professionals from all around the world and from all the courses this university offers, use to visit Seoul's University every year. Our University director gives them all the feedback from the students with flying colors and you are one of them. Since last year, that an University in Paris has had interest in you. So they communicated with us and will offer you a scholarship so you can get your master degree on the finest University in Paris. There you will work with well-named artists and become one. They already sent all the papers and the date to go there is two days after graduation. Although it would be better to give an answer soon. So what do you say, Mr. Kim? " The woman said with a smile on her face and waited for the wide eyed boy to give her an answer.

Taehyung was beyond speechless, he never expected this to happen to him of all people. Was he this good at college? Jungkook always told him he was good but he never believed. His insecurities blinded him and he couldn't see how good he actually was. One of the finest universities in Paris wants him to study there and make him an artist. Oh my god, this is beyond his mind. He can't wait to tell Jungkook what happened and tell him everything about it, but then he remembers what he saw earlier and suddenly felt sad.

"I don't know what to say. Is this for real?" Taehyung asked her with wide eyes and the woman chuckled.

"Of course, it is real. They are really interested in you and said that you will have a bright future because you are already an artist." The woman said and Taehyung squealed with happiness.

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