Chapter 31 - Happy

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"Hey baby, why are you acting so shy? You weren't so shy earlier when we were on your dorm." Jungkook smirks sneaking his arm around Taehyung's waist, making him shudder.

"W-What are you saying? We won't do those things anymore until we are boyfriends. Goodbye!" Taehyung said in a quick breath taking Jungkook's arm from his waist and running away with a smile on his lips.

"Hey! Don't go away!" Jungkook shouted but the other boy just kept running away. He chuckled at how cute Taehyung was.

Jungkook walked out of the gym and was about to turn right but a pair of arms around his waist stopped him from walking.

"Taehy-" For some seconds a big smile formed on his lips thinking it was Taehyung, but the smell of that person was different from his baby. It's not a good scent and smells like one of those cheap ones.
"What the hell do you want?" Jungkook took her arms from his waist and turned around glaring.

"I want you oppa." Nayan said smirking and stepped closer to hug Jungkook again but he stopped her by grabbing her arms.

"How many times do I have to tell you to get the fuck away from me?" Jungkook shoved her arms away and glared at her. The girl looked surprised but a smirk appeared on her face again.

"Oppa, I want to make you feel so good with your dick on my mouth, ok?" She said sliding her finger on Jungkook's bicep making him move away.

"You are only someone who gave me a blowjob, nothing else. So don't look for me anymore. Also I'm not your oppa. Fuck off." Jungkook said every word with so much anger and glared at the smirking girl before turning around and going away.

"You will be mine, Jungkook. Just wait." Nayan whispered looking at the boy going away. She smirked and was about to go away but a voice stopped her.

"You know, if you are so eager to give someone a blowjob. Well, my big boy right here doesn't mind if your lips are wrapped around him." The boy smirks pointing at his bulge and walking closer to the girl.

"Ew, I want Jungkook, not you. I don't even know you." Nayan replied with a disgusted face and stepping back from him.

"Your little Jungkook has a boyfriend now. And let me tell you, you never had a chance." Sang Cheol laughed at the girl's stupidness. He moved closer and touched her shoulder going down to her waist.

"He doesn't have a boyfriend because he is mine. So shut up asshole." Nayan shouted shoving him away from her. The other laughed harder.

"Yeah yeah. He has a beautiful boyfriend and looks like they have a lot of history. Bitch, you never had a chance. He played with you on the time being but now he doesn't give a fuck about you. He never did." Sang laughed and grabbed her by the waist. "So why don't you please me and I please you back? My fuckbuddy is gone and I need someone for the time being." He trailed kisses on her neck and gripped her ass. She didn't fight and rubbed herself in him.

"Who is his boyfriend?" She asked as she turned around and rubbed her ass on his huge bulge.

"The beautiful and weak Taehyung." He laughed and then sucked on her neck. "I will taste him one of these days. His body must be so nice, soft and ready to be marked." Sang Cheol moaned imagining how good Taehyung would be under him, moaning his name as he begs for him to fuck him harder.

"So that's the name of the person I have to get rid of. Will you help me? Fucks for you and fucks for me. Everybody wins." Nayan said putting the boy's hands on her boobs and gridding on him.

"Deal. I really want to fuck Taehyung. Damn!" Sang gripped her boobs harder and thrusted forward.

"I really want to fuck Jungkook." She said turning around and grabbing his hand. "Let's go somewhere to fuck now!" She started walking behind the gym building guiding the other.

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