Chapter 29 - "Only you."

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Yoongi carried me as I cried on his arms with a worried Jin walking next to him, checking on me from time to time. They didn't talk and just entered our dorm.
Jin went to the bathroom to grab the things to clean my bruises and cuts while Yoongi placed me on my bed and took my shirt off,  because it had some blood stains on the collar. They cleaned me and changed my clothes to pajamas and then tucked me on the bed with my soft red blanket.
I stayed quiet all the time even when they took my clothes off and I stayed in my underwear. They are my hyungs so I let them take care of me. The events that happened before made me shut my mouth and silently cry.
I still can't believe that Jimin went that low and did this to us, to Jungkook, his best friend. That's so sick! How can he do this to his best friend? I don't even get why he hates me so bad. Why? I never did a single thing to him. All I did was befriend Jungkook and then date him, but I didn't know he knew we were dating back then. Does he like Jungkook? I mean in a romantic way? More than just friends? Well, that's the only explanation that comes to my head. He did all of this because he loves Jungkook and he wanted me away from him? Wow... How can he be so cruel? He just needed to talk to Jungkook and not do all of this to separate us. It all came back at Jimin and now Jungkook hates him.

My hyungs placed the two beds next to each other and lay down next to me, each one of them with an arm around me. Jin placed a kiss on the back of my head while Yoongi placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Hyungs.." They hummed and waited for me to talk.

"Today, I discovered why Jungkook never texted me back or gave me an explanation to why he stopped talking to me." I said moving and lying on my back with both of them on my two sides. They looked at me not saying anything and letting me put my heart out.

"The day we went back home. Jungkook and I exchanged our phone numbers and then parted ways. But before I could go away, Jimin asked me to borrow my phone to make a phone call. Since he was Jungkook's best friend, I let him do the call. And Jimin asked Jungkook the same thing as me." I stopped to take a deep breath and started talking feeling relaxed knowing that my hyungs were there hearing me with so much attention.

"Today, we found out that Jimin changed our phone numbers when he asked to borrow our phones. That's why neither me or Jungkook received calls or texts from each other. I thought he never loved me and didn't care about me, but it was all a lie. It was all Jimin's fault. He separated us! Jungkook never intended to hurt me and leave me. Jimin was the one who made us hurt each other. I hated Jungkook all this time for no reason. We hurt each other because we thought that all that happened between us was a lie." Tears keep falling from my eyes making my eyes red and puffy. My hands are shaking as I brought them to hide my face. Both my hyungs hold one of my hands taking them from my face. They placed a kiss on my hands and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry Taehyung. I'm so sorry that we couldn't prevent something like this to happen to you. Jimin is really a bad person who made you hate Jungkook when he was innocent as well as you. I'm so sorry that your heart was broken. I'm so sorry Tae." Jin said hugging me and crying on my neck. It made my heart break because everytime I cry or I'm hurt, it hurts my hyungs too.

"Hyung, there's nothing for you to be sorry. I'm just glad that I have you both on my side or I don't know if I would be here now." I said rubbing my hand on Jin's hair soothing him.

"Tae, I'm sorry for being so bad to you earlier. You are my baby brother and all I want to do is take care of you and protect you. Seeing you with Jungkook made me so mad and hurt but now that I know that he never hurt you purposedly. I don't care if you decide to follow your heart and be with him. All I want is for you to be happy. And it seems that only Jungkook can make you really happy." Yoongi said those sweet words while he caressed my hand with his thumb. He looked up at me and smiled showing his gummy smile. The smile that I wanted to see for a long time. I'm so glad that he is not mad at me anymore and wants me to follow my heart even if it leads me to Jungkook.

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